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Strigonia (or Gran, in Hungary), THE COUNCIL OF, was held in 1114 by Lawrence, the archbishop. Sixty-five canons were published.

2. Orders that the epistle and gospel be explained every Sunday to the people in large churches; in small parishes the Creed and the Lord's Prayer.

3. Orders that in all large churches there shall be clerks of every degree.

4. Orders that the people shall come to the sacraments of penance and the holy eucharist at Easter and Christmas; the clerks at all the great festivals.

6. Orders that ignorant priests shall be deposed.

10. Enacts a penalty for not calling in the priest in time of dangerous sickness; in case of death, the penalty to be enforced against the wife or relations of the deceased; or, if he have none, against his agent and two of the old persons of the place in which he lived.

11. Forbids to raise to the episcopate a married man, unless with the wife's consent.

15. Forbids bishops and priests to keep slaves.

17. Forbids to consecrate a church which is not endowed.

18. Forbids to ordain a clerk without a title.

27. Directs that the bishop shall regulate the nourishment and manner of life to be observed by canons, according to their rule.

28. Declares that the children of persons who have voluntarily embraced a canonical life may not lay claim to their property without their consent.

32. Forbids deacons and priests to marry after ordination.

37. Directs that abbots shall be seldom absent from their houses, and then only for a short time, and after notice given to the bishop.

38. Forbids abbots to use the episcopal ornaments, and denies to them the power of preaching, hearing confessions, and baptizing.

39. Forbids to confer holy orders upon monks.

46. Directs that nothing be said or sung in church but what has been ordered in synod.

47. and 48. Relate to drunkenness among ecclesiastics.

49. Relates to the same vice among the laity.

50. Directs that in every city the bishop shall have two hoses for the incarceration of penitents.

53. Directs that a woman thrice deserting her husband shall, if noble, be put to penance, without any hope of ever being restored to him; if a woman of low degree, be sold as a slave. Also orders that a husband slandering his wife, by accusing her of adultery, shall suffer the same punishment; orders the same penalties against a husband deserting his wife from motives of hatred and aversion, and gives liberty to the wife in such case to marry another.

54. Deposes any clerk marrying a second time, or marrying a widow or divorced woman.

55. Appears to allow of priests who have married twice exercising their office, if their wives consent to separate from them.

59. Forbids clerks to keep taverns, or to practice usury; deposes those who drink at taverns without sufficient cause.

61. Forbids Jews to keep any Christian servants. See Mansi, Supp. vol. 2, Coll. 283, etc.

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