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Luke 24:1-9 The tomb in which Christ was buried, was that of a rich man - where a sepulchre was dug into the side of a hill, and had a stone (perhaps weighing up to 3 tons) in front of the entrance to seal it. Leverages were used to move the stone into position to seal the tomb. Within the sepulchre a cavity was dug in the side where the corpse would be placed. It was only the rich or royal who would be buried in such sepulchres. But Joseph of Arimathea had offered his sepulchre in which to bury the Lord. When Joseph and Nicodemus came to wrap and embalm the Lord's body, they could easily use anything up to 40kg of ointment for the embalming. The embalming of a corpse was similar to what we know today when a limb is done in plaster of paris. The head of the corpse is wrapped separately, but in a similar fashion. And it would become hard as the ointment would set. This was done to protect the body from decaying. The women came early in the morning with perfumes which was also used in the burial process. Despite the fact that they knew they would never be able to move the stone from the entrance, they continued on their way to the tomb. It is often said that women are the weaker vessel. However, there are many instances where women are permitted and men are not. And it is for the women to make use of these opportunities (where it will glorify God). Their love was so overwhelming for the Lord, that it blinded them from some simple facts - who was going to move the stone, the guards placed at the tomb, etc. When they arrived, they found the tombstone already rolled away, and angels standing there. The angels asked them, "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" Luke does not record who these two men were - but we know that they are men sent from heaven. What caused them to come from heaven to be there? It was the desire of these women who sought the Lord. Blessed are they who seek the Lord truly with all their heart! Not like the prodigal son who went out seeking the things of the world and ended up in the pigsty. If you seek the Lord with your whole heart - all of heaven will be stirred! The angels reminded the women how Christ had said that He would be delivered to be crucified, but He would rise again on the third day. It then dawned on them as they remembered His words. It is a serious tragedy, that Christians forget what Jesus has told them. Very often it is rather the heathens who remember what the Lord has said, before even the Christians do. Don't forget what the Lord has spoken to you! If needs be, write it down and remind yourself everyday of what He has said. Many years ago an archaeologist found a body with a letter on it, saying "I, Joseph of Arimathea, have stolen the body of Christ and put it in this tomb." This caused much consternation and confusion amongst the Christians, and some even considered forsaking the Lord as a result of this find. It wasn't long afterward, that it was discovered to be a hoax. A certain Muslim in South Africa, Deedat, used to go up and down the country proclaiming publicly that Jesus had never died - it was only a hoax. Some pastors in Durban wrote him a letter, and told him that he was free to speak what he wished, but not to blaspheme the Lord. And if he continued they would hand him over to God who would deal with him. However, Deedat continued boldly and stubbornly in his blasphemous campaign. These Indian pastors who had written to him, then prayed and asked God to work to stop Deedat's blasphemy. Not long afterwards, he had a stroke which touched on his speech, and it has been many years now that he can not speak. God had shut his mouth! He has since been taken to specialists all over the world, to try to repair the damage of the stroke - but to no avail! Legal professors, judges, those who inspect legal history - all admit that there is no other event that has as much historical evidence, testifying to its truth, than the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Bible had prophesied that not a bone of the Lord's body would be broken. The thieves on the cross had their legs broken as they hung on their crosses. This would cause their lungs to fill with fluid, and they died faster. But when the Roman soldiers came to Jesus to break His legs, He had died already. They pierced his side and blood and water came out - indicating that He was dead. He died of a broken heart for us. Some other points of proof of Christ's resurrection are as follows: 1. The Romans had put a seal upon the tombstone. Form history we know that anyone tampering with a Roman seal would be severely punished, and anyone breaking it, would be nailed upside-down to a cross. The disciples were so afraid that they stayed behind locked doors after the crucifixion. How would they ever tamper with a Roman Seal to steal His body? 2. There was no person in the sepulchre when Jesus rose from the dead. The disciples need strong and real evidence to continue their preaching of a crucified and risen Lord. The Lord appeared to them on numerous occasions, giving them instructions and proving His victory over death. That made them courageous to even stand before the Sanhedrin, testifying boldly to Christ's resurrection. 3. The guards at the tomb fled from the tomb. From history we know that the Roman soldiers were extremely disciplined and faithful to their duties. They were killed if found asleep on duty. The Roman empire was the strongest in the world - they had conquered the world. But sexual immorality destroyed it. The soldiers told the high priests what had happened, and they bribed them to say that the disciples came and stole the Lord's body. 4. The disciples came to the grave and what they saw convinced them of Christ's resurrection. It wasn't the stone that was rolled away, but the grave clothes that convinced them. What was so special about the grave clothes? The grave clothes weighed about 40kg with all the ointments. But the clothes for the body and head lay separately. To remove a corpse out of this encasing cocoon which sticks to the body, one would have cut through it. But the way that they found the grave clothes in tact convinced them that He was not stolen but is risen from the dead! 5. Jesus revealed Himself to them. He appeared to them even behind closed doors. Some were afraid thinking He was a ghost. He comforted and showed them that He was made of flesh, and ate with them. He appeared a second time, when doubting Thomas was also present. Thomas had said that unless he put his finger into the Lord's wounds and side, he would not believe. Jesus appeared to them and told Thomas to put his hand in his side and feel His wounds. This overwhelmed Thomas who fell to the ground, crying "My Lord and my God." Paul speaks of one time when the Lord revealed Himself to over 500 disciples at a time - of whom some were still alive at the time, if anyone wanted to question them. Jesus said to His disciples, "You will be My disciples ... unto all the world." John and Peter had the assurance that Jesus had arisen. Do you have that assurance? Jesus promised that He stands at the door and knocks, and anyone who opens for Him, He will come in and dine with them. Do you have or know this fellowship with Jesus? Have you pressed through everything to find Him?

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