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Jer 14.7-9 7O LORD, though our iniquities testify against us, Do it for Your name's sake; For our backslidings are many, We have sinned against You. 8O the Hope of Israel, his Savior in time of trouble, Why should You be like a stranger in the land, And like a traveler who turns aside to tarry for a night? 9Why should You be like a man astonished, Like a mighty one who cannot save? Yet You, O LORD, are in our midst, And we are called by Your name; Do not leave us! The theme is found in v.8b-9, God in the midst of his people, yet He is like a stranger. God, the Creator of heaven and earth, omnipotent; the One who overcomes sin and hell - yet He is like a stranger, or like a wanderer who only pitches his tent for a night. First, we see God pictured here as a stranger amongst His people. Secondly, as a wanderer, who only passes through the land who seeks a place to stay overnight then moves on. Thirdly, He's amongst His people like one that is taken by surprise and confused. There are many illustrations and drawings of Jesus: Jesus standing at the door and knocking, or where He is a shepherd with his flock. But never have we seen a painting of Jesus bewildered and amazed among his people. Look at your life. Is He just like a traveller passing through in your life? That means that you are boss of your life, you are calling the shots and He is not lord. Fourthly, He is a mighty man, a hero, omnipotent, almighty; but in your life, even though He's there He is powerless to save. This was a time of dire straits in Jerusalem and Judah. God withheld His blessings. His people had gathered in prayer to cry to God about their troubles. In Jer 14:3 we read how they arrived at the fountains, but they were dry. Today many churches are in this lamentable state. However, although Judah mourns, she does not lament her sins, but her condition! Please take careful note of this: They mourned their troubles, but were blind to their personal sins and shortcomings. But then in v. 10 God exposes their relationship with Him and their sins. Now He visits their sins upon them. Even today we see how God visits nations' sins upon them. God commands Jeremiah not to intercede for them any more. It's tragic when a Christian lives in sin but does not see it. Jesus said, if you come to God's altar, and remember someone who has anything against you, first be reconciled. God is not interested in sacrifices and offerings when there's sin in your life. As we read further, we see that in this state there were false prophets denying what God had spoken through Jeremiah, saying everything will be peace and prosperity, even though their sins testified against them. God answered Jeremiah concerning those prophets that they were false prophets speaking deception from their own hearts. God condemned those prophets to die by the sword and famine, the very thing they prophesied would not happen. There is no battle to be compared to the battle of our Lord Jesus Christ, and no soldiers as His. Are you one of His soldiers? You testify of how God saved you. How long have you testified of your faith? Where are those who found Christ through you? Maybe Christ came to you, but today He is only a stranger and has no command in your life. If you are not on fire for God, it will have far-reaching consequences, not just for others whom God wants to save through you, but also for yourself. Make sure God has properly saved you and is able to work in your life freely.

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