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If you are not just a collection of atoms thrown up by some mindless explosion millions of years ago but were in fact created by an intelligent and loving Being as part of his own Son, how then would you live ? Obviously very differently from the strategy you use if you have to depend simply on your own wits ! If the creator of the cosmos had such a detailed purpose and design as we find in human and animal bodies, in the complex design of DNA and the chart of the elements, then he must have had some carefully thought-out plan for your own creation. That is exactly what his son explained 2000 years ago in Palestine - He said "you in me and I in you" and "we must work the works of him who sent me". One of his followers stated "we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, for good works which he has prepared beforehand that we should walk in them". In other words you're not here just to make your own way as best you can; you are part of the Son of the Creator of the universe and He has put you here to do something that can be done only by Him through you ! How do you find that out ? First, by paying attention to the one you know must be aware of you - the one who originated everything we see around us. It's only a fool who says there's no such being. All of us know that the sky doesn't "hang" there by its own strength and wisdom. We know from experience at making automobiles and machines that these complex mechanisms don't jut come into existence by chance. So it's downright arrogant to walk out in the morning and pretend that there's no one watching over us to see if we're OK. That's the first step in rational living - acting in the light of the fact that someone has put you here and that he has as certain a path in mind for you as he has for Mars and Venus. You can call this "belief" if you wish, but really it's just simple common-sense. The next step is to want to know what your creator has for you to do during your life on this planet. Again, it's simple common-sense not to want to waste your time and effort in futile activities that just pass the time or please others who have no idea why you're here. As you begin to honestly want to find out what you're here to do, the kind Father who made you inside himself will begin to communicate deep within you some mental impressions or feelings. Deep in your spirit you'll have some ideas of things you should think about or do. Little by little, you'll sense that there is someone like Jesus Christ who exists and is aware of you; you don't have to imagine what he's thinking: just behave appropriately. As you start living in this reality you'll become more aware of thoughts and attitudes that seem to come from someone else - this is the spirit of our Maker touching your own spirit. It all happens very naturally and unremarkably because God works through the very things that He himself has made and designed. Often therefore you'll find that your natural abilities and gifts are part of his plan for your actions; however, at other times you'll sense you should do something that doesn't come so naturally to you. In this way you'll gradually "set your thoughts on things above" and less "on things on the earth", but always you'll be able to check these intuitions against the kind of life that Jesus lived in the first century here on earth. You'll become increasingly aware of a deeper sense of what you should do in certain situations; somehow your conscience will give you a desire to please and not to offend your dear Father who made you. As you respond to that sense of certain things that are not just right but are personally pleasing to your maker, the guidance of your conscience will become clearer. The more you express your own respect and concern for your maker, the more your feelings become those of a dear son or daughter, who loves their father. Far from being impulsively impelled to sudden, unnatural actions and reactions, you'll find your life gently opening out to new attitudes and ways that were unknown to you before. Often you'll sense that there are simply more kindly and fragrant ways to say and do things; you'll see that there is something higher than just right or wrong - there are more graceful things and less graceful things. Thus superhuman life is a more beautiful life. Indeed you'll see many wrong attitudes simply falling way in the "expulsive power of a new affection". This new life that revolves around the presence of your creator enables you to see everything in a new light. The place where you work seems more interesting as you see different levels of life and understanding in the people you work with and the things you all do together. The desire to please the authorities seems to imprison so many and the consequent anxiety steals much of the spontaneity from those you work with. You yourself sense that your future is in your creator's hands and not your boss's; the result is that your fear fades away and you start to be more natural and confident with others. It's then that you see clearly the shadow of fear and anxiety that hangs over so many and spoils the "fun" of work. Fear of man is dispelled by your love of your maker and your confidence in his care for you. So also your attitude to your own work on earth changes

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