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Friends, who have known and tasted of the power of the mighty God of heaven and earth, and of his light and life, be faithful in the power, light, life, and truth, to the spreading of the truth abroad; with which ye may answer the truth in the inward parts [Psa 51:6] in every one. And dwell in that which binds and chains, and gives to see over the world; that life, wisdom, and power may reign among you that are turned to the life, and believe in it, who come to receive the light of life [John 8:12], Christ, the power of God [1 Cor 1:24]. Be faithful, and spread the truth abroad, and walk in the wisdom of God, answering that of God in every one [Col 6:4/Rom 1:19], and write, speak, and send books abroad into the countries, and islands, and nations, or main land, as ye are moved; that the sound of the trumpet of the Lord's host may be heard in the nations and islands. And be faithful and valiant for the truth of God upon the earth [Jer 9:3]; that is the truth, that the devil is out of, and abode not in [John 8:44]; in that dwell and live, in unity and peace one with another. So, the God of love, life, and power, and wisdom be with you! And ye that are turned to the light, and gathered into it, meet together, and keep your meetings, that ye may feel and see the life of God among you, and know that in one another; for that keeps down and lays low all that which is out of the kingdom. So, know the power of God, and keep your peace therein; that ye may all grow up in the increase of God [Col 2:19], (mark, in the increase of God,) and feel his presence among you. For ‘where two or three are gathered together in my name,’ saith Christ, (that is, in the power,) ‘I am there in the midst of them [Mat 18:20].’ In this meeting, in this gathering, Christ is felt in the midst. Who feels the power of Christ, feels Christ, for he is the power of God, and the Emmanuel with <176> them [Isa 7:14]; but who go from God, in the transgression, are in the first Adam [1 Cor 15:45], where death reigns, and darkness; and this is the state that is reprobated. But who are turned to the light, Christ Jesus, to the Emmanuel, they know the interpretation thereof, God with us; who redeems out of transgression, and out of death, darkness, and sin; who being witnessed, the state of fallen man, that was drove from God, and the state of being brought to God again, is witnessed by Jesus Christ, the covenant of light [Isa 42:6]. In which covenant, which is light, the Lord God Almighty preserve you all! Ye may write, how things are with you in the island. G. F.

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