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My friends,—All you that do know God and Christ your teacher, and are come to be the sons and daughters of the Lord God [2 Cor 6:18], and are in his new covenant; in which you all do know the Lord, and need not any man to say unto you, know the Lord [Jer 31:31-34]. And are heirs of the gospel of peace and salvation, that hath brought life and immortality to light [2 Tim 1:10]; and that by the power of God, the gospel [Rom 1:16], you do see over him, the adversary and the destroyer, that hath darkened you. And so do know, that the power of God is the authority of your men's and women's meetings; in it keep them, and all other meetings. And all such as be heirs of grace, and heirs of life [1 Pet 3:7], and heirs of the gospel, keep your men's and women's meetings in the power of God, the authority of them; and they that cry against them, or you, strive not with them, for they will in God's time die of themselves, and wither away; but keep your testimony of the life, and of grace, and of the gospel, and of the order of it, and your faith in him, your teacher, who bruises the head of the serpent [Gen 3:15], the author of all disorder and ill government; even Christ, of the increase of whose government (in his truth, and power, and righteousness) there is no end [Isa 9:7]. Glory to the Lord God for ever. And so all strive to be of one mind, and heart, and soul [Acts 4:32], and spirit, and faith, living together in unity, and in the love of God, all drinking into one spirit, by which you are baptized into one body [1 Cor 12:13], having one head, who is heavenly and spiritual; and in the one spirit, by which you are circumcised, which putteth off the body of the sins of the flesh [Col 2:11]. So as you do keep to the spirit of Christ [Rom 98:9], it will keep you to be one body, and to him the one head, Christ Jesus, the Amen [Rev 3:14]. G. F.

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