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Stand up ye prophets of the Lord, for the truth upon the earth [Jer 9:3]; quench not your prophecy, neither heed them that despise it [1 Th 19f]; but in that stand which brings you through to the end [Mat 10:22?]. Heed not the eyes of the world, ye prophets of the Lord, but answer that in them all, which they have closed their eye [Mat 13:15, Act 28:27] to; that ye may to them tell of things to come, answering that of God in them that shall remain. Keep ye in your habitations [Jude 1:6], ye sons of God, that over all the contrary ye may reign. And ye daughters, to whom it is given to prophesy [Joel 2:28], keep within your own measure [2 Cor 10:13f], seeing over that which is without, answering that of God in all [Col 4:6/Rom 1:19]. And despise not the prophecy [1 Th 5:20], keep down that nature that would, which is the same as that is which acts contrary to that of God in them. Neither be lifted up in your openings and prophecies, lest ye depart from that which opened, and so come by the son of God to be judged, and bidden to depart as workers of iniquity [Psa 6:8, Luke 13:27]; for a worker of iniquity is gone from that which leads to the son of God, who is the end of the prophets. Quench not the spirit [1 Th 5:19], by which ye may prove all things, and that which is good hold fast [1 Th 5:21]; for if the spirit be quenched, then light is put for darkness, and darkness for light, and evil is put for good, and good for evil [Isa 5:20]. This is when the spirit is quenched, then cannot ye try all things, then cannot ye hold fast that which is good. For then ye cannot see good, when the spirit is quenched; but when the spirit is not quenched, then with the spirit ye may see the good, to take the good, and the evil to shun. And this brings to put a difference between the precious and the vile [Jer 15:19], the profane and the holy, the clean and the unclean [Lev 10:10]; the spirit is it that proves all things. G. F.

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