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Dear friends and brethren in the Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns over all, and has all power in heaven and earth given unto him [Mat 28:18], by whose eternal power our meetings this year have been preserved unto his great glory and honour; and his living refreshing presence has livingly been amongst us [Mat 18:20], for which his people do give him the honour, glory, thanks, and praise, who is Lord over all, and worthy of all, blessed for ever and ever. And therefore we desire and entreat all our friends and brethren every where, who are of the seed of the promise [Gal 3:29], and the children of the kingdom of God [Mat 13:38], and of the new covenant of light and life [Isa 42:6/Mal 2:5], to walk in the same, and worthy of the same, to the glory of God. <250> And you that do profess the primitive, pure, and undefiled religion [Jas 1:27], which is above all the religions in the world, show it forth in life and practice. And you that profess the worship of God in the spirit and truth [John 4:24], which Christ hath set up, which is above the Jews' worship, and all the worships that the men of the world have set up, be steadfast in the same; for all worships out of God's spirit and his truth, are idolatry. And now, dear friends and brethren, who profess and possess that which is above all religions, ways, and worships in the world; our desire is, that you may always outstrip and exceed the world in virtue, in purity, in chastity, in godliness, and in holiness, and in modesty, civility, and in righteousness, and in love, with that you may overcome the evil, and with the good overcome the bad [Rom 12:21]: so that your moderation and sober life may appear unto all men [Phil 4:5], and answer that of God in all [Rom 1:19/Col 4:6], that so the fruits of the spirit of God may show themselves forth in meekness, and kindness, and humility [Gal 5:22], from the holy understanding, and the pure heavenly wisdom [Jas 3:17], and the word of life and patience [1 Jn 1:1/Rev 3:10], by which all things were made [John 1:3], in that you will be able to bear all things and endure all things [1 Cor 13:7] through him that strengthens you. And whatsoever things are lovely, decent, or comely, and honest, and of a good report [Phil 4:8], that answers the truth in all, that mind and practice, that God Almighty may be glorified through you [Mat 5:16] in the seed, in which all nations are blest [Gen 22:18-, which bruiseth the head of the serpent [Gen 3:15], that brought the curse; in which seed no enmity nor strife can come [Eph 2:15f]; in which seed, Christ Jesus, your heavenly unity and fellowship is preserved. And whatsoever storms or tempests should arise in the world, keep in the seed Christ Jesus, your sanctuary, who was before the world was, who is your saviour, that destroys the destroyer, in whom you have all life, peace, rest, safety, and salvation; in him, who is the Amen [Rev 3:14], the first and last [Rev 22:13], in him farewell, and from him the blessings of the Lord rest upon you. G. F.

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