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The cross is to the carnal part, which is the ground of images, the ground of the seducers, and the ground of the false prophet and antichrist; the cross is to that ground, to the root and life of it. This being minded, which is pure and eternal, it makes a separation from all other lovers, and brings to God, and the ground of evil thoughts comes to be opened, and the cross is to that ground; which cross overturns the world in the heart. Which cross must be taken up by all, who follow Jesus Christ [Luke 9:23] out of the world which hath an end, into the world which is without end; and all the evil things of the world must be denied. For ‘who loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him [1 Jn 2:15];’ but where the world is standing, the cross is not lived in. But <67> dwelling in the cross to the world [Gal 6:14], here the love of God is shed abroad in the heart [Rom 5:5], and the way is opened into the inheritance which fades not away [1 Pet 1:4]; where nothing shall enter which is defiled [Rev 21:27]. For God is not seen but in the eternal light whence all pure wisdom comes. This treasure is not seen but with the spiritual eye; nor received but with the pure in heart [Mat 5:, and by those who dwell and abide in the eternal light. But the carnal heart may get the words from them who had received the wisdom, who dwelt in the fear of the Lord; but they who live without the fear, may get their words, and yet know not wisdom's gate [Prov 1:20f], whence those words proceeded, having the old bottle [Mat 9:17]. Watch all, therefore, and see what ye possess. For all who gave forth the holy scripture, who dwelt in the fear of God, they possessed the life which those words proceeded from; and the secrets of the Lord were with them. Therefore, all in your measure, which is of God, wait, that it may guide your minds up to God, and follow it, and not your evil desires, nor the lust of the world; for the fear of the Lord will keep your hearts clean, and the true wisdom will be with you in the pure heart. And every one that hath this light, which Christ hath enlightened them withal, the deeds that are evil, ye know to be so by the light; and this light will be their condemnation [John 3:19f], ye know it. And all who witness this light, and love it, their eye is in their head [Eccl 2:14], which is Christ [Eph 4:15], if they be ten thousands [Song 5:10, Jude 1:14?]. G. F

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