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All Friends every where, to you this is the word of the Lord God: dwell in the life and power of God, and the seed of God, which inheriteth the promise of God [Gal 3:29]; that all light, hasty, airy, drunken spirits may be limited and stopped, and judged, and all foolishness and unsavouriness, and confusion, (which causeth distraction,) the cause of it may be taken away, and all ye kept in the authority and power of the truth, that know the power of God manifested among you. And ye knowing it, and the life, dwell all in it, and abuse it in nowise; but wait for the wisdom of God, that it may be justified of her children [Mat 11:19], and God glorified, and honoured, and exalted, and the preciousness of his truth considered well of, which ye have bought; and do not sell it [Prov 23:23] for changeable things, for things that pass away, and subsist but for a time. But as the glorious truth is springing and manifest among you all, live and walk worthy of what ye are called unto, the high calling in God and Christ Jesus [Phil 3:14], above all the world, out of all that which doth change, where the life that is immortal is felt, and a crown that fadeth not away [1 Pet 5:4], a crown of life [Rev 2:10] that endureth for ever! Live in the dominion of the life that is hid in God [Col 3:3], and every particular know it in one another. And live in the power of God, and of life, that ye may see over the day of tempest, over the day of darkness, and blackness, and mists [various "day of the Lord" texts; 2 Pet 2:17]: and feel, and know, and come into that which comprehends the world; that ye all may be guided with wisdom, and ordered to God's glory [Wis 8:1]. And be all obedient to the truth [1 Pet 1:22], which all the enmity is out of; and know the life of God in you all, that with it ye may all be guided, and your hearts joined together up to God, the Father of life; that ye may all be inheritors of the power of an endless life [Heb 7:16], and of the world, where there is no end, and possessors of substance. And feel the seed of God in you all, which inherits the promise from God; which seed is atop of the serpent's head. And keep that under that feeds upon dust [Gen 3:14f], which the glory and life are over; which seed breaks the strength of all men, and inherits the strength of the Almighty, the possessor of heaven and earth; which seed is Christ, that gives the dominion over the first Adam, over the earthly, and brings down all that which stains. So feel the seed, which is Christ in you all, and ye all will feel the Lamb of God ‘which taketh away the sins of the world [John 1:29],’ who gives to see, where there is no shadow, nor change, nor altering, nor variableness [James 1:17]; wherein ye all may come to inherit the blessings from God, and come into the living way [Heb 10:20]. For whose way dies, they err from the living principle of God in them; for who walk in the way that lives, they answer the principle of God in every man [Col 4:6/Rom 1:19]; though they act contrary <93> to it that are in the way that dies, and do not live, but change and alter: and to you this is the word of the Lord. So the Lamb must get the victory [Rev 17:14] in every one of you, which is Christ in the male and in the female [Gal 3:28]; who brings into the Father's house [John 14:2], (from all the congregations of the dead [Prov 21:16], and their houses of darkness,) wherein every one comes to have his mansion, and his food of life from God the Father of life, who is blessed for evermore! Whose kingdom and glory is revealed and revealing, and setting up in the life, and power, and wisdom of God. The Lord God Almighty preserve and keep you all in love, in peace and unity one with another, in the light and covenant with God, and one with another; which light is the condemnation of all that hate it [John 3:19]. And my dear lambs, and babes, and plants of the Lord God, dwell every one of you in your own, that ye may feel the precious springs of God. And, friends, all dwell in the authority of the truth, the power of the son of God, and feel the power and dread of the Lamb, which is to subdue all other powers. All power in heaven and in earth is given to the son [Mat 28:18]; and his authority stands over the world, and will subdue it, and make the kingdoms of the world to become the kingdom of the son of God [Rev 11:15]. So, live in love, meekness, patience, and in the power and wisdom of God, which are over all the world. Sound, sound the trumpet of the Lord of hosts, whose terrible day is come and coming [Joel 2:1,31] , and pleading with all flesh by fire and sword [Isa 66:16]. The mighty day of the Lord is coming upon all flesh, that all hearts shall be ripped up and made manifest [1 Cor 4:5]: therefore whilst ye have time, repent. This is the message of the Lord to all nations, let all your laws be according to that of God in all consciences. G. F.

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