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(Compare Mark 16:19, 20; Acts 1:1–14) DISCOVERY OF THE FACTS 1. Jesus’ Last Conversation with His Disciples in Jerusalem, vv. 44–49 Of what two things did Jesus say the events which had occurred were a fulfillment? Why did He say, “While I was yet with you”? Was He not “with them” still? Will He ever be with us again in the sense He had been with the eleven? (John 14:3; 17" class="scriptRef">1 Thess. 4:17.) What was it He had said while He was yet with them? How much must be fulfilled? Why must they all be fulfilled? (10" class="scriptRef">10.35" class="scriptRef">John 10:35; Titus 1:2.) Have all things which are written in the Law, etc., concerning Jesus been fulfilled? (e. g. Zech. 12:10; 14:3, 4.) Where in the Old Testament did Jesus say there were prophecies concerning Himself? To the inspiration of what portions of the Old Testament did He then testify? To whose authorship did He attribute the Law? By how many of the prophets had God borne testimony concerning Christ? (6.18" class="scriptRef">18" class="scriptRef">Acts 3:18, 24; 10:43.) Where in the Law of Moses is there anything written concerning Him? (Gen. 3:15; 22:18; Ex. 12:3, 5, 6, 7, 13; Deut. 18:15–19.) Where is there anything written in the prophets concerning Him? [Is. 7:14; 9:6; 11:1–4, 10; 53:1–12; 61:1–3; Jer. 23:5; Ezek. 34:23; Dan. 9:24, 26; Hos. 3:5; Joel 2:28–31; Amos 9:11 (Ob. 17); Mic. 5:2; Nah. 1:15; Hab. 2:2–4; 3:2–16; Zeph. 3:8, 9, 17, 20; Hag. 2:7; Zech. 6:12; 9:9; Mal. 3:1–3.] Where in the Psalms is there anything written concerning Him? (Ps. 16:10; 118:22, etc.) What are the main facts about Jesus to which the Old Testament Scriptures bear witness? (Acts 17:2, 3; 1 Peter 1:11; divinity, death, resurrection, coming again.) What is the spirit of all prophecy? (Rev. 19:10.) What is Jesus recorded in the 45th verse as doing for His disciples? Before we can understand Scripture what must be done for us? Does learning and digging into the text enable a man to understand the Scriptures? (1 Cor. 2:14.) How did Jesus open the minds of His disciples to understand the Scripture? Can Jesus open the eyes of men today as well as when He was on earth? (John 16:7.) How does Jesus nowadays open the minds of men to understand the Scriptures? (John 14:26; 16:13, 14; 1 Cor. 2:10, 11.) What can we do that will make it sure that Christ will by His Spirit open our minds to understand the Scriptures? (John 7:17; Matt. 11:25; James 1:5–7; Ps. 119:18.) Have we anything to do with opening the eyes of men to see the truth? (Acts 26:16, 18.) Why do men need to have their eyes opened? (2 Cor. 4:3, 4, 6.) In the study of any passage of Scripture what is the first help we should seek? What are the points of Christ’s summary of what had been written of Him (vv. 46, 47)? Where had it been written that He should rise again? (Ps. 16:10; compare Acts 2:25–31; Is. 53:10.) Where had it been written that He should rise the third day? (Compare Ps. 16:10; compare John 11:39; Acts 2:27: Hos. 6:2; also 1 Cor. 15:4; Jonah 1:17.) What should be preached? What is repentance? (Luke 11:32; compare Jonah 3:5, 10; 2 Cor. 7:10; Matt. 21:29.) Ought we to preach repentance? (Acts 2:38; 20:20, 21; 26:20.) What else was to be preached? What does remission mean? (Ps. 103:12.) Should remission of sins be preached before or after repentance? (Compare Acts 16:29–31.) What is the first thing to show the sinner? The second? How should remission be preached? What is meant by “in His name”? (Eph. 1:7.) Who can have remission in His name? (Acts 10:43.) How widely should remission be preached? Has the church been faithful to this part of its commission? Who is to blame? Is there any hint in the Old Testament of this universal reach of the Gospel? (Ps. 22:27; 67:2–4; Is. 2:1–3; 11:10; 49:6, etc.) Where should a beginning be made? Why at Jerusalem? (Acts 13:46.) Is there any practical lesson for us in that they were to begin at Jerusalem? Were they to stop at Jerusalem? What was the office of the disciples to be? What is a witness’s business? (Acts 22:15; 1 John 1:3.) To what especially were the apostles to bear testimony? (Acts 1:22; 2:32; 3:15; 4:33; 5:32; 13:31.) What is the Gospel primarily, facts or theories? (1 Cor. 15:1, 3, 4.) How are facts to be proven by argument or testimony? To what facts principally is it the duty of the Christian today to testify? Is the saving power of Christ to be proven by argument or testimony? What is the first qualification of a good witness? What qualification for witnessing had the disciples at this time? What other qualification was it necessary they should have? From whom were they to get it? In what was Christ to give it? (Acts 1:8.) How necessary was it that they should have this qualification? What does the word translated “tarry” mean literally? Was it not wasting time to “sit still”? When is sitting still not wasting time? What would be the result of the coming of the Holy Spirit? (Acts 1:8.) Would they have had power if they had gone before the Holy Spirit came? Why is it so many of us have so little power in our testimony? What does “endued” mean? Can we be endued with this power? (Acts 2:38, 39.) What did the Apostles have to base their faith upon that they would receive this power? What have we to base our faith upon? How can we get this “power from on high”? (Acts 2:38, 39; Gal. 3:2; Is. 44:3; Acts 5:32; Luke 11:13; James 1:6, 7.) 2. The Ascension, vv. 50–53 Where was the final scene of Christ’s meeting with His disciples? What happened at Bethany? What was He doing as He parted from them? What did Christ enter heaven for? (Heb. 9:24; John 14:2.) Has the ascension of Jesus anything to do with the believer’s security? (Ro. 8:34.) What are the four facts upon which the believer’s security rests? (Ro. 8:34; Acts 1:11; Heb. 9:28.) Did Jesus Christ go back to heaven just as He came from heaven? In Christ what is now seated on the throne with God? Of what is His presence upon the throne a guarantee? (John 12:26; Rev. 3:21.) What five things are the disciples represented as doing? (vv. 52, 53; worshipping, obeying, rejoicing, abiding in the temple, praising God.) Why did the disciples worship Jesus just at this point? Were they right in supposing His ascension demonstrated His divinity? CLASSIFICATION OF TEACHINGS 1. God (1). The Father: Promises the Holy Spirit, 49; receives the praises of His children, 53. (2). The Son: The One to whom Moses, the prophets and psalmists point forward, 44; crucified, 46; risen, 46; ascended, 51; purchases remission of sin, 47; opens the mind to understand the Scriptures, 45; gives the Holy Spirit, 49; is worshipped as divine, 52. (3). The Holy Spirit: Endues men with power, 49. 2. Scripture Its certainty Not one jot or tittle can fail, 44. Its absolute authority: Christ guarantees it, 44. Its only infallible interpreter: Jesus, 45. Its central subject: Jesus Christ, 44. 3. The Believer What he has done: Repented, 47. What he has received: Remission, 47. What he should seek: Mind opened, 45. Whom he will worship: Jesus Christ, 52. Whom he will bless: God, 53. What he is to be: A witness, 48. What he is to believe. A crucified Christ, 46; a risen Christ, 46; an ascended Christ, 51; the whole Bible, 44. What he is to preach: Repentance, 47; remission in His name, 47; Christ, 48. What he has to rely upon: Power from on high, 49. What he has to do: Sit still until endued with power, etc., 49; rejoice greatly, 52. What he can base his assurance upon: Death, resurrection, ascension and coming again of Christ.

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