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The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit...and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. --Hebrews 4:12 Scripture reading: Philippians 2:1-22 We have yet to see the forcefulness of the Word of God. The Word, the life, the presence, the power is in your body, in the very marrow of your bones, and absolutely everything else must be discharged. Sometimes we do not fully reflect on this wonderful truth: the Word, the life, the Christ who is the Word divides you from soul affection, from human weakness, from all depravity. The blood of Jesus can cleanse you until your soul is purified and your nature is destroyed by the nature of the living Christ. In Christ, we have encountered divine resurrection touches. In the greatest work God ever did on the face of the earth, Christ was raised from the dead by the operation of the power of God. As the resurrection of Christ operates in our hearts, it will dethrone wrong things and will build right things. Callousness will have to change; hardness will have to disappear; all evil thoughts will have to go. In the place of these will be lowliness of mind. What beautiful cooperation with God in thought and power and holiness! The Master "made Himself of no reputation" (Phil. 2:7). He absolutely left the glory of heaven, with all its wonder. He left it and submitted Himself to humiliation. He went down, down, down into death for one purpose only: that He might destroy the power of death, even the Devil, and deliver those people who all their lifetime have been subject to fear--deliver them from the fear of death and the Devil (Heb. 2:14-15). How will this wonderful plan come to pass? By transformation, resurrection, thoughts of holiness, intense zeal, desire for all of God, until we live and move in the atmosphere of holiness. Thought for today: If you will let go, God will take hold and keep you up.

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