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668—Parliament O God most High, Who alone rulest in the kingdoms of men: grant, we beseech Thee, to all Members of Parliament the light and guidance of Thy Holy Spirit; that they may wisely take counsel together, and come to such decisions as shall promote Thy glory and the wellbeing of this nation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 669—Prayer For Parliament Almighty God, by Whom alone kings reign, and princes decree justice; and from Whom alone cometh all counsel, wisdom, and understanding; we, Thine unworthy servants, here gathered together in Thy Name, do most humbly beseech Thee to send down Thy heavenly wisdom from above, to direct and guide us in all our consultations: and grant that, we having Thy fear always before our eyes, and laying aside all private interests, prejudices, and partial affections, the result of all our counsels may be to the glory of Thy blessed Name, the maintenance of true religion and justice, the safety, honour, and happiness of the Queen, the public wealth, peace, and tranquility of the realm, and the uniting and knitting together of the hearts of all persons and estates within the same, in true Christian love and charity one towards another; through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. “Prayer for the Parliament” 670—Rulers and Statesmen O God, the Lord of all kings and kingdoms, let Thy strong hand control the nations and order their doings unto the fulfillment of Thy purposes upon earth. Strengthen, we pray Thee, those who strive after fellowship and brotherhood, and labour to establish righteousness and peace; guide the hearts and minds of rulers and statesmen, that they may seek first Thy kingdom of justice and freedom for all peoples, both great and small; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. After Hugh Johnston 671—Leaders Almighty God, Who alone givest wisdom and understanding: inspire, we pray Thee, the hearts of all to whom Thou hast committed the government of the nations. Give them the vision of truth and justice, and guide them so to temper justice with mercy that by their counsels the nations may work together in fellowship and brotherhood, and Thy holy Church throughout the world may be free to serve Thee in unity and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Anon. 672—Leaders O Lord, we pray Thee to raise up leaders of the people who will fear Thee and Thee alone, whose delight shall be to do Thy will and work Thy work: that the heart of this people may be wise, its mind sound, and its will righteous; through Christ our Lord. Unknown 673—Leaders O God, Almighty Father, King of kings and Lord of all our rulers, grant that the hearts and minds of all who go out as leaders before us, the statesmen, the judges, the men of learning, and the men of wealth, may be so filled with the love of Thy laws, and of that which is righteous and life-giving, that they may serve as a wholesome salt unto the earth, and be worthy stewards of Thy good and perfect gifts; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Prayer of the Order of the Garter 674—At a General Election O Lord, we beseech Thee to govern the minds of all who are called at this time to choose faithful men into the great Council of the nation; that they may exercise their choice as in Thy sight, for the welfare of all our people; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Bishop Gore 675—National Freedom O eternal God, through Whose mighty power our fathers won their liberties of old: grant, we beseech Thee, that we and all the people of this land may have grace to maintain these liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Bishop E. L. Parsons 676—Freedom and Justice Almighty God, Who hast created man in Thine own image: grant us grace fearlessly to contend against evil, and to make no peace with oppression; and, that we may reverently use our freedom, help us to employ it in the maintenance of justice among men and nations, to the glory of Thy holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. American Prayer Book 677—Freedom and Peace Grant, O Lord God, that laying aside the sins that hinder the coming of Thy kingdom, the nations of the world may be assured of the right which Thou hast given them to live in freedom; freedom from want and fear, freedom of thought and speech, and freedom to worship Thee according to Thy will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Frederick B. Macnutt 678—Peace O almighty God, the Father of all mankind, we pray Thee to turn to Thyself the hearts of all peoples and their rulers, that by the power of Thy Holy Spirit peace may be established on the foundation of justice, righteousness, and truth; through Him Who was lifted up on the Cross to draw all men unto Himself, even Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. William Temple 679—Peace Almighty God, Whose kingdom alone bringeth true peace to the earth: reveal again Thy law, that all nations may bow before it; and Thine everlasting love, that they may dwell together in unity; through Jesus Christ our Lord. After Archbishop Garbett 680—Peace O God, Who wouldest fold both heaven and earth in a single peace: let the design of Thy great love lighten upon the waste of our wraths and sorrows; and give peace to Thy Church, peace among nations, peace in our dwellings, and peace in our hearts; through Thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. E. Milner-White 681—Peace Almighty God, Who canst bring good out of evil, and makest even the wrath of man to turn to Thy praise; teach Thy children to live together in charity and peace, and grant that the nations of the world may be united in a firmer fellowship for the promotion of Thy glory and the good of all mankind; through Jesus Christ our Lord. J. Armitage Robinson 682—Peace O God and Father of all, Whom the whole heavens adore: let the whole earth also worship Thee, all kingdoms obey Thee, all tongues confess and bless Thee, and the sons of men love Thee and serve Thee in peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. E. Milner-White 683—Peace Inspire, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the hearts of all men everywhere with the spirit of love and justice; and enlighten the leaders of the nations with the wisdom which is from above, that they may seek first the coming of Thy kingdom and the fellowship of Thy children: deliver us, Thy people, from faithlessness and fear, save us from the sins and cruelties of war, and guide our feet into Thy way of peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Frederick B. Macnutt 684—Peace O almighty and most merciful God, Father of us all, Who in Thy holy Word hast taught us that the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of Thy Son: send Thy blessing, we beseech Thee, upon the rulers and governors of the peoples, and especially upon those who are seeking to kindle the desire for righteousness and peace among the nations of the earth. Guide their counsels with the light of Thy Holy Spirit of truth and wisdom, so that in all their work they may glorify Thy holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 685—Peace Almighty and everlasting God, Who healest us by discipline and by forgiveness dost preserve us: graciously fulfill the desires of Thy servants, and grant that in tranquility we may rejoice in the comfort of Thy gift of peace, and show forth our thankfulness by the amendment of our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. After Leonine Sacramentary 686—Peace O Lord of peace, Who by Thy coming unto us hast bound earth to heaven and made of all men one family in the kingdom of Thy love: we beseech Thee to unite the nations in obedience to Thyself; suffer not Thy Church to fail Thee in this time of stress and crisis; and strengthen our faith in Thine eternal purpose to establish the dominion of righteousness and peace. Frederick B. Macnutt 687—Peace Grant Thy people rest, O God, we beseech Thee, each in his own place and over all the world; deliverance from suspicion, injustice, discord, and despair, relief from want, and salvation from evil; and gather them, O Father, by one holy faith into one family of peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 688—An International Conference O God, Who art the lover of justice and peace: direct, we beseech Thee, the minds and wills of those who are called to deliberate for the welfare of the nations and the peace of the world; that as faithful stewards of the things which belong unto righteousness, they may have regard to Thy laws and the true welfare of mankind. And so guide them by Thy Holy Spirit, that by word and deed they may promote Thy glory, and set forward peace and mutual goodwill among men; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 689—Instruments of Peace Lord, make us instruments of Thy peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy; for Thy mercy and for Thy truth’s sake. St. Francis of Assisi 690—Atomic Power Almighty and merciful God, without Whom all things hasten to destruction and fall into nothingness: look, we beseech Thee, upon Thy family of nations and men, to which Thou hast committed power in trust for their mutual health and comfort. Save us and help us, O Lord, lest we abuse Thy gift and make it our misery and ruin; draw all men unto Thee in Thy kingdom of righteousness and truth; uproot our enmities, heal our divisions, cast out our fears; and renew our faith in Thine unchanging purpose of goodwill and peace on earth; for the love of Jesus Christ our Lord. Frederick B. Macnutt 691—In Time of Crisis Look in compassion, O heavenly Father, upon this troubled and divided world. Though we cannot trace Thy footsteps or understand Thy working, give us grace to trust Thee with an undoubting faith; and when Thine own time is come, reveal, O Lord, that new heaven and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness, where the Prince of peace ruleth, Thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. C. J. Vaughan 692—In Time of Crisis Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that we who in our tribulation are yet of good cheer because of Thy lovingkindness may find Thee mighty to save us in all dangers and adversities; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Roman Breviary 693—In Time of Crisis O God, Who hast knit together in one family all the nations of the earth: remove far from us, we beseech Thee, the menace of war; pour out upon the rulers of the peoples Thy spirit of peace; restrain the passions of such as plan aggression; and hasten the time when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of Thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. 694—An Intercession Lord God, we beseech Thee, glorify Thy Name, bring in Thy kingdom, fulfill Thy purpose; revive our faith, renew Thy Church, convert the nations; defend the right, preserve freedom, defeat aggression; deliver relieve oppressed, comfort the sorrowful, relieve the suffering. God save mankind, draw all men unto Thee, and give peace to the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Frederick B. Macnutt 695—Unity God of our fathers, Who from generation to generation hast watched over us in love: hear us now in hours of perplexity and need; save us from the dangers of disunion and strife; remove all hindrances to brotherly concord; and grant that we may serve Thee in all Godly quietness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 696—Unity O God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, with Whom there is no distinction of race or habitation, but all are one in Thee: break down, we beseech Thee, the barriers which divide us; that we may work together in one accord with each other and with Thee; through Him Who is the Saviour of all, Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord. G. W. Briggs 697—Civic Authorities O Lord our God, we beseech Thee to enlighten and guide those who bear authority in our towns and cities; that there may be open ways and noble streets therein, and that everywhere the wisdom of science and the skill of art may be devoted to the service of the common weal, for Thy glory and for the health and delight of men. Give us courage, O Lord, to remove mean streets and unworthy dwellings, that Thy people may live together in decency and honour, as citizens of that heavenly city, to which we pray Thee to bring us all at last; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. 698—Civic Authorities O Lord God, the Father of lights, from Whom cometh every good and perfect gift: we beseech Thee to send forth upon Thy servants who bear office in this city (or town) the spirit of prudence, charity, and justice; that in all things they may walk before Thee with steadfast purpose and single heart, and faithfully serve Thy people committed to their charge; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Frederick B. Macnutt 699—Civic Authorities O God, Who hast taught us to live in the towns and cities of this world as those who know that their citizenship is in heaven: guide, we pray Thee, with Thy heavenly wisdom those who bear office in the government of this city (or town), that they may keep ever before them the vision of that city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 700—A Civic Election Guide, O Lord, we pray Thee, the mayor and corporation with all, from the greatest to the least, who share in the ordering of this town (or city), and give strength, honour, and charity to us and to our fellow-citizens; that we may exercise our votes as in Thy sight, and seeking not our own, may see ever before us the vision of that free city, perfect in the heavens, whose builder and maker is God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. After Percy Dearmer 701—Administration of Justice O God, the just and merciful Judge of all mankind: look down from heaven, we beseech Thee, on these Thy servants, who are set by Thy appointment to minister justice between man and man, to clear the innocent, and to convict and punish the guilty. Grant unto them Thy Holy Spirit, the Spirit of uprightness, the Spirit of discernment, and the Spirit of love; that they may boldly, discreetly, and mercifully fulfill their sacred duties, to the good of Thy people and the glory of Thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Westminster Abbey 702—Administration of Justice O God, mighty and merciful, the Judge of all men: grant to those who minister justice the spirit of wisdom and discernment; and that they may be strong and patient, upright and compassionate, fill them, we beseech Thee, with the spirit of Thy holy fear; through Jesus Christ our Lord. J. Armitage Robinson 703—Citizens of Heaven O God of truth, Who hast taught us that we are the light of the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hid, and hast bidden us to let our light shine before men: uncover in us, we pray Thee, the hidden works of darkness, and reveal the falsehood of selfishness and greed; that we may seek earnestly to walk in the light as Thou art in the light, in Whom is no darkness at all; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Frederick B. Macnutt Section 9: The Economic Order 704—A Better Order Behold, O Lord God, our strivings after a truer and more abiding order. Give us visions that bring back a lost glory to the earth, and dreams that foreshadow the better order which Thou hast prepared for us. Scatter every excuse of frailty and unworthiness: consecrate us all with a heavenly mission: open to us a clearer prospect of our work. Give us strength according to our day gladly to welcome and gratefully to fulfill it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Bishop Westcott 705—Repentance for Social Disorder Almighty God, Who hast entrusted this earth unto the children of men, and through Thy Son Jesus Christ hast called us unto a heavenly citizenship: grant us, we humbly beseech Thee, such shame and repentance for the disorder and injustice and cruelty which are among us, that, fleeing unto Thee for pardon and for grace, we may henceforth set ourselves to establish that city which has justice for its foundation and love for its law, whereof Thou art the Architect and Maker; through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Saviour. William Temple 706—Social Reformation Stir up, O Lord, the wills of Thy people and kindle our understanding; that we may discern the way to a just and ordered society, where all may work and all may find a just reward, and Thy people may serve Thee and one another in peace and goodwill, in the Spirit of Thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Harold Anson 707—Social Justice and Peace O God, the King of righteousness, lead us, we pray Thee, in the ways of justice and of peace: inspire us to break down all tyranny and oppression, to gain for every man his due reward and from every man his due service; that each may live for all, and all may care for each, in the Name of Jesus Christ. William Temple 708—Social Justice Almighty God, Who hast created man in Thine own image: grant us grace fearlessly to contend against evil, and to make no peace with oppression; and, that we may reverently use our freedom, help us to employ it in the maintenance of justice among men and nations, to the glory of Thy holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. American Prayer Book 709—Social Righteousness Look, we beseech Thee, O0 Lord our God, upon us Thy people, and lead us in the way of righteousness and truth; that we may forsake those things that are contrary to Thy will, and follow after all such things as be good and wholesome, to the glory of Thy Name and the well-being of this realm; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Frederick B. Macnutt 710—In Social Unrest O God, Who art the Father of all, and Who alone makest men to be of one mind in an house: we beseech Thee to grant us, at this time of unrest and strife, a fuller sense of our brotherhood in Christ; allay all anger and bitterness, and help us to be true and just in our dealings one with another; through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. J. Armitage Robinson 711—In Social Unrest Guide us, O Christ, in all the perplexities of our social life; uproot our enmities, and in Thy good time bring us together in love and unity; and make the kingdoms of this world Thy kingdom as Thou wiliest; Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit art one God, world without end. James Adderley 712—Industry and Commerce O God, Who givest to every man his work and through his labours dost accomplish Thy purposes upon earth: grant Thy blessing, we beseech Thee, to those who are engaged in the industries and commerce of this land. Inspire them with the knowledge that in ministering to the needs of others they are serving Thee; defend them from injustice and oppression, and give them the due reward of their labours; that, seeking first Thy kingdom and righteousness, all things may be added unto them here and hereafter; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Unknown 713—Earning and Spending O God, Whose blessed Son, Jesus Christ, earned His bread at Nazareth by the labours of His hands, and taught us that our possessions are a trust from Thee: help us to be faithful stewards of what Thou givest; that in earning we may be just and honest, and in spending we may seek not our own, but Thy glory and the good of others; through the same our Lord Jesus Christ. 714—Unselfishness O strong Lord God, Who wilt judge all mankind, grant to the exalted humility, to the desolate thankfulness, to the happy sympathy with sorrow; that so earthly eminence may become a stepping-stone to heavenly heights, and loneliness may introduce to the full communion of saints, and joy blossoming in time may bear eternal fruit. Be we high or low, prosperous or depressed, wheresoever, whatsoever we be, make us and ever more keep us well-pleasing in Thy sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Christina Rossetti 715—Employers and Employed O God, Who art the Father of all mankind, we beseech Thee to give us a fuller realization of our brotherhood, man with man, in Thee; and raise up among us a deeper sense of truth and equity in commercial dealings one with another. Give grace, O Lord, to those who serve, that they may do their work heartily as unto Thee and not unto men; to masters, that they may do what is just and equal as having themselves a Master in heaven: and to all alike, that they may be united in the common service of the Lord Christ, and receive of Thee the reward of their inheritance; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. From “Sursum Corda” 716—The Unemployed O God, Thou Lord of the vineyard, Who wouldest not that any should stand idle in the market-place: hear our prayer for all who are without employment or assurance of livelihood; and in the largeness of Thy loving wisdom, declare unto us Thy counsels to help and heal all our distresses; through Jesus Christ our Lord. E. Milner-White 717—The Unemployed O Lord and heavenly Father, we commend to Thy care and protection the men and women of this land who are suffering distress and anxiety through lack of work. Strengthen and support them, we beseech Thee; and so prosper the counsels of those who govern and direct our industries, that Thy people may be set free from want and fear to work in peace and security, for the relief of their necessities and the wellbeing of this realm; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Industrial Christian Fellowship 718—The Homeless and the Needy O Lord, Who rescuest the poor from need, and restorest the lonely to a home: look in mercy upon all who suffer the lack of livelihood and, like Thee, O Son of Man, have not where to lay their head. And as Thou hast assured those who do good to others that, inasmuch as they do it to Thy brethren, they do it unto Thee, let Thy pity and compassion move us to house the homeless and to lighten the burdens of the needy and the distressed. Guide, we beseech Thee, those who govern the nations, that Thy people may be set free from want and fear, and that in Thee all the families of the earth may be blessed; Who livest and reignest in Thy kingdom of righteousness and love, world without end. Frederick B. Macnutt 719—The Needy O God, the God of all righteousness, mercy, and love, give us all grace and strength to conceive and execute whatever may be for Thine honour and the welfare of the needy; that we may become at last, through the merits and intercession of our common Redeemer, a great and a happy because a wise and understanding people. The Earl of Shaftesbury 720—Daily Work Guide us, O Lord, amidst the trials and conflicts of our social life, and fill our centres of industry with Thy presence; that daily work may become to us a high vocation, and that all may learn the dignity of labour and make it a freewill offering to Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Anon. 721—Workers by Land and Sea Almighty God, Who by Thy Son hast bidden us to ask of Thee our daily bread: prosper the work of those who labour in the fields, and grant such favourable weather that we may gather in the fruits of the earth in their seasons; protect the sailors who carry food across the seas; and give us grace day by day to deny ourselves and to remember the needs of others. Unknown 722—Fellow-workers O God, Who hast bound us together in this bundle of life, give us grace to understand how our lives depend upon the courage, the industry, the honesty, and the integrity of our fellowmen; that we may be mindful of their needs, grateful for their faithfulness, and faithful in our responsibilities to them; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Reinhold Niebuhr 723—Workers With Mind and Hand O blessed Saviour, Who wast pleased Thyself to be numbered among the craftsmen: we pray Thee to guide and prosper all who labour with mind and hand, that their work may be done for Thy honour and rewarded with Thine approval; Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Unknown 724—The City Grant us, O Lord, a vision of this city, fair as it might be in fulfillment of Thy purpose: a city of justice, where none shall prey upon others; a city of plenty, where greed and poverty shall be done away; a city of brotherhood, where success is founded upon service, and honour is given to nobleness alone; a city of peace, where order shall not rest on force, but on love of all for each and of each for all. Hear Thou, O Lord, our prayer and pledge of love and service; and hasten the day of the eternal city which cometh down from heaven to earth from Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. After Walter Rausenbusch 725—Christian Citizenship Eternal God, our heavenly Father, Who hast given to us Thy children an abiding citizenship in heaven, and in the days of our pilgrimage a citizenship also upon earth: give us Thine aid, as we journey to that heavenly city, so faithfully to perform the duties which befall us on our way, that at the last we may be found worthy to enter into Thy rest; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Unknown 726—Christian Citizenship O Lord, Who hast taught us that our citizenship is in heaven: prosper, we pray Thee, our efforts to fashion our citizenship here on earth after the pattern of the heavenly city, whose light is Thy glory, and whose builder and maker Thou art; through Him Whom Thou hast sent to deliver us from all evil, in our cities and in our souls, Jesus Christ our Lord. Section 10: The Family 727—Family Life Almighty God and heavenly Father, Whose Son Jesus Christ was subject to Mary and Joseph at Nazareth, and shared there the life of an earthly home; Send down Thy blessing, we beseech Thee, upon all Christian families Grant unto parents the spirit of understanding and wisdom; give unto the children the spirit of obedience and true reverence; and so bind each to each with the bond of mutual love, that to all its members of whatsoever age, every Christian family may be an image of the Holy Family of Nazareth, and every Christian home a school of heavenly knowledge and of virtuous and upright living; through Him Who became a child, and learned obedience to Thy will, that He might save us, even Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord, Who now liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God world without end. E. C. Ratcliff 728—Families and Homes Almighty Father, from Whom every family in heaven and on earth is named: we entreat Thy mercy for the families of this and every land, for man and wife and child, and for all who have the care of children; that by Thy hallowing our homes may be blessed and our children may grow up in the knowledge of Thee and of Thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. St. Paul’s Cathedral 729—A Family in Time of Trial O eternal God, our most merciful Lord and gracious Father, Thou art my guide, the light of mine eyes, the joy of my heart, the author of my hope, and the object of my love and worshippings; Thou relievest all my needs, and determinest all my doubts, and art an eternal fountain of blessing, open and running over to all thirsty and weary souls that come and cry to Thee for mercy and refreshment. Have mercy upon Thy servant, and relieve my fears and sorrows, and the great necessities of my family; for Thou alone, O Lord, canst do it. Jeremy Taylor 730—A Home Merciful Saviour, Who didst love Martha and Mary and Lazarus, blessing their home with Thy sacred presence: bless, we beseech Thee, this our home, that Thy love may rest upon us and Thy promised presence may be with us. May we all grow in grace and in the knowledge of Thee, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Teach us to love one another as Thou didst give us commandment; help us all to choose the better part that shall not be taken away from us. Hear us, O Jesu, Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit livest and reignest, one God for evermore. Canadian Prayer Book 731—A Home Almighty God, our heavenly Father, Whose blessed Son did share at Nazareth the life of an earthly home: bless, we beseech Thee, this our home, that Thy promised presence may be with us, and that we may always live and work together in Thy steadfast fear and love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 732–A Home O God, Who art perfect love, grant that we who are born of Thee, and eat of Thy bread, may bear one another’s burdens with sincere affection; that Thy peace which passeth all understanding may keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus Thy Son our Lord, Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth one God, world without end. Edward Bouverie Pusey 733—A Home Be present with us, O Lord, in our daily duties, and grant to those Who dwell in this house the strength and protection of Thy continual help; that Thou mayest be known as the Master of the family and the defender of this home; through Jesus Christ our Lord. After Gelasian Sacramentary 734—A Home Almighty God, in Whose house are many mansions, we pray Thee to surround our dwelling with the unseen wall of Thy protection; that we may be devoted to Thy service, and may serve one another in love; until we come at last to that home which Thou hast prepared for them that love Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 735—Husband and Wife O heavenly Father, Who hast taught us by Thy Son that except we love one another we cannot fulfill Thy law: grant that Thy Holy Spirit may lead us Thy servants in the way of love and peace unto our lives’ end; that, obeying Thy will and always being in safety under Thy protection, we may be united at last in the life which has no ending; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 736—Husband and Wife O God our Father, we thank Thee for uniting our lives, and for giving us to each other in the fulfillment of love. Watch over us at all times; guide and protect us; and give us faith and patience as we hold each other’s hand in Thine every moment of every day and night, and draw strength from Thee and from each other; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Frederick B. Macnutt 737—Women O blessed Jesus, Who by Thy holy Incarnation didst consecrate womanhood to Thy glory: make us pure, we beseech Thee, by the vision of Thy purity; make us lowly by the example of Thy lowliness; make us holy by Thy indwelling of Thy Holy Spirit. Strengthen us, we beseech Thee, that we may strengthen each other in courage and in faith; and show us how to use all Thy gifts in Thy service; for Thy Name’s sake. 738—Women O Lord, Who wast born of a woman, and hast glorified womanhood in the sight of all men: bless, we beseech Thee, the women of our nation upon whom are laid the burdens of unwonted duties. Strengthen them in hours of strain and weakness; preserve in them the spirit of sympathy and love; keep them steadfast in temptation; and grant them the help of Thy grace, that in all things they may be worthy of their vocation; to the glory of Thy Name, Jesus Christ our Lord. Frederick B. Macnutt 739—Parents and Children O God, our heavenly Father, Who hast blessed us Thy servants with the gift of children (or a child): grant, we beseech Thee, that we may show our love and thankfulness to Thee in so ordering our home, that by the example of our lives and teaching we may guide our children (or child) in the way of righteousness, and at last become partakers with them (or him, or her) of the life everlasting; through Jesus Christ our Lord. South African Prayer Book 740—Children Almighty God and heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the children whom Thou hast given to us; give us also grace to train them in Thy faith, fear, and love; that as they advance in years they may grow in grace, and be found hereafter in the number of Thine elect children; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Bishop Cosin 741—Children Lord Jesus, we beseech Thee, by the innocence and obedience of Thy holy childhood, and by Thy reverence and love for little children, to guard the children of our land; preserve their innocence, strengthen them in their weakness, recover the wandering, and remove all that hinders them from being brought up in Thy fear and love; Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, ever one God. S. Gladstone 742—Children O Lord Jesus Christ, Who hast bidden us to suffer little children to come unto Thee, and didst lay Thine hands upon them and bless them: forgive our neglect of those who know Thee not, and inspire Thy Church with new zeal to guide them into the knowledge of Thy love Who hast redeemed them, that they may know Thee as their friend and Saviour, and serve Thee unto their lives’ end. Anon. 743—Children at School O Jesus, very God and very Man, Who Thyself wast a child, and didst submit Thyself to the charge and care of earthly teachers: bless, we beseech Thee, the children of this land who are taught in our schools. Grant that as they grow in years they may grow in knowledge of Thyself; let them learn to love and serve Thee truly, and daily order their lives according to Thy will. 744—Child Sufferers O God, our Father, we remember before Thee all orphaned, homeless, and unwanted children, the children of loveless homes, and those who suffer from bodily defect and disease. Make our hearts burn within us for the children of our dark places, and teach us how to turn to good account the laws that protect them and the efforts of those who strive to succour them; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Mothers’ Union 745—St. Nicholas and Children Almighty God, Who in Thy love didst give Thy servant Nicholas a perpetual name for deeds of mercy both on land and sea: we pray Thee that Thy Church may never cease to work for the happiness of little children, and the poor, and those tossed by any tempests of doubt or grief; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to Whom with Thee and the Holy Spirit be thanks and praise from all the company of saints, now and evermore. E. Milner-White 746—A Child’s Prayer O Lord Jesu Christ, Who as a child didst learn and grow in wisdom: grant me so to learn Thy holy Word, that I may walk in Thy ways and daily grow more like unto Thee; Who art my Saviour and my Lord. Irish Prayer Book 747—Relatives and Friends Almighty God, we entrust all who are dear to us to Thy never-failing care and love, for this life and the life to come; knowing that Thou doest for them better things than we can desire or pray for; through Jesus Christ our Lord. American Prayer Book 748—Relatives and Friends O almighty and eternal God, through Whose providence men are bound together by ties of blood and holy affection: pour down upon our relations and friends the manifold gifts of Thy grace; that, united in faith and love, we may labour together according to Thy will for the establishment of Thy kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Bishop Westcott 749—Friends O Lord, Who hast graciously called us not servants but friends: increase in us daily that holy friendship, and bind us ever more closely to one another in our common love of Thee; that we may do the thing which Thou commandest, and receive at last what Thou hast promised, in Thy presence, which is fullness of joy and freedom, world without end. Frederick B. Macnutt 750—Friends Be pleased, O Lord, to remember my friends, all that have prayed for me, and all that have done me good. Do Thou good to them, and return all their kindness double into their own bosom, rewarding them with blessings, sanctifying them with Thy grace, and bringing them at last to Thy glory. After Jeremy Taylor 751—In Absence From Home O God, Who hast bidden us to honour our parents, and by Thy Son, our Saviour, hast hallowed the life of home: bless, we beseech Thee, with Thy gracious protection all those who are bound to us by ties of kindred and affection, from whom we are now absent. Keep them in health and safety; help us to fulfill our duty to them; and knit us evermore closely together in Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Unknown 752—In Absence From Home Almighty God, our heavenly Father, Whose blessed Son Incarnate did share the life of an earthly home: into Thy hands we commend our parents, our families, and our homes. Watch over them in hours of trial and danger; grant to them Thy strength and protection in their going out and their coming in; and unite us all together in Thy steadfast fear and love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Frederick B. Macnutt 753—The Absent O God, Who art everywhere present, look down with Thy mercy upon those who are absent from among us. Give Thy holy angels charge over them, and grant that they may be kept safe in body, soul, and spirit, and be presented faultless before the presence of Thy glory with exceeding joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Richard Meux Benson 754—The Absent O God, Who art present to Thy faithful people in every place, mercifully hear our prayers for those we love who are now parted from us: watch over them, we beseech Thee, and protect them in anxiety, danger, and temptation; and assure both them and us that Thou art always near, and that we are one in Thee for ever; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Unknown 755—The Absent O God, the Father and defender of Thy people, Whom neither space nor time can separate from such as continue in Thy keeping: be present, we beseech Thee, with those who are parted from us; prosper them and do them good; guide and direct them in all their undertakings; let nothing hurtful beset them and no evil befall them; and grant that, upheld by Thy right hand, they may arrive in safety at their journey’s end; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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