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George Fox

George Fox

George Fox (1624 - 1691)

Was an English Dissenter and a founder of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as the Quakers or Friends. This was a group the Lord started through the ministry of George Fox. God called him apart from all other forms of Christendom in his day because of the lack of Biblical obedience and holiness.

The emphasis in George Fox's ministry was firstly prophetic. He called out the people of God to show them that they had the Holy Spirit of God and could be taught of Him and not to solely rely on the teachings of ecclesiastical leaders. Secondly, he spoke directly to many ministers in his day to show them they were hirelings and did not have a true shepherds heart for the people of God rather they were seeking after financial gain.

      Founder of the Society of Friends (Quakers). George Fox was born in Drayton-in-the-Clay, Leicestershire, England, the son of Puritan parents. Little is known of his early life, apart from what he wrote in his journal: "In my very young years, I had a gravity and stayedness of mind and spirit not usual in young children. Insomuch that, when I saw old men behave lightly and wantonly toward each other, I had a dislike thereof raise in my heart, and I said within myself, `If ever I come to be a man, surely I shall not do so, nor be so wanton.'"

      At the age of 19, he gained deep, personal assurance of his salvation and began to travel as an itinerant preacher, seeking a return to the simple practices of the New Testament. He abhorred technical theology, and preached a faith borne of experience, freshly fed and guided by the immediate presence of the Holy Spirit.

      Fox was persecuted almost daily, yet his power of endurance was phenomenal. He was beaten with dogwhips, knocked down with fists and stones, brutally struck with pikestaves, hard beset by mobs, incarcerated eight times in the pestilential jails, prisons, castles and dungeons--yet he went straightforward with his mission as though he had discovered some fresh courage which made him impervious to man's inhumanity.

      He undertook as far as possible to let the new life in Christ take its own free course of development in his ministry. He shunned rigid forms and static systems, and for that reason he refused to head a new sect or to start a new denomination, or to begin a new church. He would not build an organization of any kind. His followers at first called themselves "Children of the Light," and later adopted the name "The Society (or Fellowship) of Friends."

      Fox preached and traveled for 40 years throughout England, Scotland, Holland, and America. His life demonstrated the truth of his famous saying, "One man raised by God's power to stand and live in the same spirit the apostle and prophets were in, can shake the country for ten miles around."

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George Fox

Concerning the Light

Concerning The Light (1655) All Friends everywhere, keep you meetings waiting in the light which comes from the Lord Jesus Christ; so will ye receive power from him, and have the refreshing springs of life opened to your souls, and be kept sensible of the tender mercies of the Lord. And know one ano... Read More
George Fox

Concerning The Pure and Undefiled Religion

Concerning The Pure and Undefiled Religion, That Was Set Up Above Sixteen Hundred Years Ago: Which All That do Own God And Christ Are To Walk In. (1685) Dear Friends, you who profess the light, faith, grace, and spirit of Christ, and the pure undefiled religion before God the Father, are to keep you... Read More
George Fox

Concerning The Spiritual Warfare

Concerning the Spiritual Warfare (1653) The world of the Lord God to all my brethren, babes, and soldiers, that are in the spiritual warfare of our Lord Jesus Christ. Arm yourselves, like men of war, that ye may know, what to stand against. Spare not, pity not that which is for the sword (of the spi... Read More
George Fox

Concerning Those That Go Out Of Unity

Concerning Those That Go Out of Unity Those that are gone from the light, from the spirit and power of God, and so from unity, buy the light, and by the spirit, and by the power are judged; and the power, and light, and spirit are over them. And they being gone into their own wills, and into a perve... Read More
George Fox

Concerning True Liberty

Concerning True Liberty (1679) And now, friends, you who are called into this glorious liberty of the sons of God, stand fast in it. And as the apostle saith, "Brethren, ye have been called unto liberty, only use is not for an occasion to the flesh; but in love serve one another." Gal. v. 13. "As fr... Read More
George Fox

Dwell in Unity and Love in the Power of God.

To Friends, to Live in Love and Unity Together, In the Power of God. George Fox, Epistle #150. GF, To Friends, to live in love and unity together, in the power of God. Friends all every where, in the life and power of God live and dwell, and spread the truth abroad. Quench not the spirit, but live i... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 100

Friends,—In the power of the Lord God dwell and live, that over all the world ye may stand, in that which fathoms it, that ye may handle the word of God aright [2 Tim 2:15], which is as a hammer, and as a sword to divide the precious from the vile; and is a fire, to burn up that which is hammered do... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 101

Dear friends and brethren in the everlasting seed of God, which hath the wisdom, and life eternal, and dominion over all that is in the fall, in which the blessing of the everlasting God is known, and his life that never fadeth; in which seed (that hath the dominion over all that is in the fall) is ... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 103

Friends, take heed of darkness, or going beyond your bounds or limits [2 Cor 10:14], <105> but keep in God's fear, that ye may receive his wisdom from above [James 3:17], that with it ye may order all things [Wis 8:1] to his glory, answering the witness of God in every one [Col 4:6/1 Jn 5:9f], keepi... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 104

All Friends every where, in the power of God dwell, and know that over all to keep you. And lose not the power of God which keeps down, tames, and breaks all wild, unruly, rash, and hasty spirits, which will run without the power; which spirits reach not to the seed and the witness of God in men [1 ... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 105

All Friends every where, keep your meetings waiting in the light which comes from the Lord Jesus Christ; so will ye receive power from him, and have the refreshing springs of life opened to your souls, and be kept sensible of the tender mercies of the Lord. And know one another in the life, (ye that... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 107

My dear friends,—In the power of the everlasting God, which comprehends the power of darkness, and all the temptations in it, in that power of God dwell, which will keep and bring you to the word which was in the beginning [John 1:1], which will keep you up to the life, and to feed upon the same, ov... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 108

Friends, wait in the light, that with the light every one of you may come to see Christ to be your wisdom, and your righteousness, and so come to see the body, his church, of which is the head [Col 1:18]: and in the measure of life waiting on the Father of life, ye may come to reign in the life. All... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 109

Friends, keep to patience: this is the counsel of the Lord to you. Do not judge one another [Rom 14:13] behind one another's backs, nor speak evil one of another [James 4:11], for that is that which soweth the enmity among brethren. Nor judge one another before the world, for that is that which is i... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 111

Friends of God and brethren,—This is a warning to you all from the Lord God and Jesus Christ, that all that ye speak, it may be in plainness of speech [2 Cor 3:12], according to that of God in all consciences, and that it may proceed from that of God in you, the light of Christ; that all your words ... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 114

Dear brethren, in the mighty power of God go on, to which power of the God of heaven and earth, all the powers of the earth must bow; that to that of God in all consciences ye may be made manifest [2 Cor 5:11], that that in them which is of God may witness that ye are sent of God. Dwell in the life ... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 115

Friends and brethren, the eternal word, from which ye have both spoken and ministered to others, is the word of life [1 Jn 1:1], the word of peace, the word of reconciliation [2 Cor 5:19], which makes of twain one new man [Eph 2:15]; and if ye do abide there, there is no division but unity in the li... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 116

Friends, do not judge one another [Rom 14:13] in meetings, ye that do minister in the meetings; for your so doing hath hurt the people, both within and without, and yourselves under their judgment ye have brought. And your judging one another in the meetings hath emboldened others to quarrel, and ju... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 122

Friends,—To that which is pure, I speak, in which is unity, where no defiled thing shall enter. Silence all flesh [Zech 2:13], who strive about words, in which is no profit; who would draw you out of your conditions, and others out of their conditions [2 Tim 2:14]. Therefore be low, and mind that wh... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 123

Dear Friends,—My love is to you all in the everlasting seed of God, <118> that never changes nor falls, nor gives itself to that which doth change, which is not of this world, but is over it, and was before the world was; in which is the steadfastness, and stayedness, and life eternal. Which reigns ... Read More

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