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Greek Word Studies

Enough (2425) hikanos

Able (2425) (hikanos from the root hik- = “to reach [with the hand],” “to attain”, `reaching to', `attaining to'; hence, `adequate') refers to that which reaches or arrives at a certain standard and in context refers to men who meet the standard and are fit, qualified and able to "teach" (didasko). ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Fit (2425) hikanos

Able (2425) (hikanos from the root hik- = “to reach [with the hand],” “to attain”, `reaching to', `attaining to'; hence, `adequate') refers to that which reaches or arrives at a certain standard and in context refers to men who meet the standard and are fit, qualified and able to "teach" (didasko). ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Foreknowledge (4268) prognosis

Foreknowledge (4268) (prognosis from verb proginosko [word study] from pro = before + ginosko = to know) literally means to know in advance or beforehand. In the classic use foreknowledge (prognosis) simply indicated a previous knowledge of someone or some event, as in Acts 26:5 where Paul says "the... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Gird (328) anazonnumi

Gird your minds for action (328) (anazonnumi from ana = up ~ stresses lifting up of long robe + zonnumi = bind about especially with a belt) is used only here. Anazonnumi means to bind up, gird up, and was used literally that of a robed man, tucking his skirts under the belt, so he can be free to ru... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Gird (4024) perizonnumi

Having girded (4024) (perizonnumi from perí = about or around + zonnumi = gird, gird around especially with a belt) means to gird all around as preparation for work or activity. Figuratively, perizonnumi speaks of readiness for activity while ungirding denotes rest. This picture derives from the cus... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Harden (4456) poroo

Were hardened (4456) (poroo from poros = small piece of stone, a kind of marble, and thence used of a callus on fractured bones; see related word porosis) means to make hard as stone and used figuratively to describe that which has become callous or insensitive to touch. The effect is to cause the p... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Inaugurate (1457) egkainizo

Inaugurated (1457) (egkainizo from en = en or at + kainizo = to make new from kainos = that which is new kind unprecedented, novel, uncommon, unheard of, not previously present) means to renew, to make new, to cause to go into effect, with the root word kainos giving the implication of something bei... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Lamb (721) arnion

Lambs (721)(arnion = diminutive form of aren = sheep, lamb, a word that speaks of the harmless nature of the animal) in simple terms means "a little lamb." Jesus describes believers as "little lambs" (Jn 21:15) but most often in Scripture, Jesus Himself is referred to as arnion! In is fascinating "p... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Left (leave) (2641) kataleipo

Left (2641) (kataleipo from kata = intensifies or strengthens the meaning of leipo + leipo = to leave behind, forsake, to be wanting or deficient) literally means to leave behind or leave remaining (of a person or place - Mt 4:13, 16:4, 21:17, He 11:27). Kataleipo is often used to indicate abandonin... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Loins (3751) osphus

Loins (3751) (osphus) (see additional note) or "hip" (as used in classic Greek according to the TDNT) refers literally to the general area of the body between the ribs and the thighs, the midsection between the upper and lower body that includes the hips, the small of the back, the waist, and the re... Read More

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