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Greek Word Studies

Covetous (4123) pleonektes

could possibly be saved. (Albert Barnes. Barnes NT Commentary). THAT NO IMMORAL OR IMPURE PERSON: hoti pas pornos e akathartos: (Eph 5:3; Hebrews 13:4) Literally this reads "for this ye know, that every whoremonger, or unclean, or covetous person, who is an idolater, hath no inheritance in the reign... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Desire (covet, long, lust) (1937) epithumeo

Lust (1937) (epithumeo from epí = upon, used intensively + thumós = passion) (Click study of noun epithumia) means literally to fix the desire upon (object could be good [Mt 13:17, Lk 22:15 used of Jesus] or bad [1Co 10:6]). It means to have a strong desire to do or secure something. To desire great... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Disciple (3101) mathetes

Disciples (3101) (mathetes from manthano = to learn which Vine says is "from a root math, indicating thought accompanied by endeavor". Gives us our English = "mathematics") describes a person who learns from another by instruction, whether formal or informal. Discipleship includes the idea of one wh... Read More
Greek Word Studies

False prophets (5578) pseudoprophetes

False prophets (5578) (pseudoprophetes from pseudes = false, untrue + prophetes = prophet) who teach any other way than that our Lord has clearly marked out in this passage. These men (1) claim to be a prophet from God and (2) utter falsehoods under the name of divine prophecies. This term pseudopro... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Fast (3522) nesteuo

Fast (3522) (nesteuo from ne- = not + esthío = to eat) means to abstain from food for a certain length of time. Fasting consisted of abstinence from food to express dependence on God and submission to His will. Other Resources: Fast, Fasting - Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology Webs... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Heart (2588) kardia

Heart (2588) (kardia) does not refer to the physical organ but is always used figuratively in Scripture to refer to the seat and center of human life. The heart is the center of the personality, and it controls the intellect, emotions, and will. No outward obedience is of the slightest value unless ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Hell (1067) geenna

Hell (1067) (geenna from Hebrew gay = valley + Hinnom) is literally the valley of Hinnom, the ravine or valley south of Jerusalem where the refuse and filth, bodies of dead animals, and bodies of criminals were cast and burned. These fires were continually kept burning, all a fit symbol of the futur... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Impure (169) akathartos

Impure (169) (akathartos from a = without + kathaíro = cleanse from katharos = clean, pure, free from the adhesion of anything that soils, adulterates, corrupts, in an ethical sense, free from corrupt desire, sin, and guilt) (See study of related word akatharsia) in a moral sense refers to that whic... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Jot (smallest letter) (2503) iota

Letter (KJV = jot) (2503) (iota) is the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet and is used as an equivalent. Iota is the smallest letter of the Greek alphabet and is used to express smallness or the minutest part of something. Here iota is used for the jot or yod (yodh) which is the tenth and smallest l... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Kingdom (932) basileia

Kingdom (932) (basileia from basileus = a sovereign, king, monarch) denotes sovereignty, royal power, dominion. Basileia can also refer to the territory or people over whom a king rules (See "Three Basic Meanings" below). At the outset it should be noted that the Kingdom of Heaven/God is both simple... Read More

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