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Greek Word Studies

Take away (abandon, cast off) (4014) periaireo

Take away (4014) (periaireo from perí = around, suggests completeness + hairéo = in sense of take, seize, grasp) means to take away from around something (picture it binding and constricting movement) and so to remove that which envelops. In secular Greek it was a nautical term meaning to cast lose ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Treasure (2344) thesauros

Treasure (2344)(thesauros from títhemi = put, set) refers to the place where goods and precious things are stored for safekeeping (Think about the glorious Gospel you possess!) and thus a repository (place, room, or container where something is deposited or stored), a treasure chest, a storehouse, a... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Turn away (1294) diastrepho

Perverse (1294) (diastrepho from dia = separation, in two, throughout + strépho = turn, English = diastrophism = the process of deformation that produces in the earth’s crust its continents and ocean basins) is literally to twist throughout or to distort. To turn different ways. To twist about. Dias... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Virtue (703) arete

Moral excellence (virtue) (703) (arete) refers to any preeminence (moral, intellectual, military). Arete is a term denoting consummate ‘excellence’ or ‘merit’ within a social context. To the Greek philosophers, it meant “the fulfillment of a thing.” Arete came to mean quality of life which made some... Read More
R.A. Torrey

Our Lord Exposes the Traditions of the Scribes and Pharisees Mark 7:1–23

R.A. Torrey(Compare Matthew 15:1–20) DISCOVERY OF THE FACTS 1. The Word of God and the Traditions of Men Contrasted, vv. 1–13 Who were gathered together unto our Lord? How far did they come? For what purpose? Did they display their hostility to Him on any other occasion? (2:6; 3:6, 22; 8:11; Luke 5:17–22; 11:5... Read More
Theodore Epp

Keep Your Eyes Open!

Theodore EppEphesians 5:7-17 Because of the subtle works of darkness and the importance of being a witness for the Lord, Paul said, "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise" (Eph. 5:15). The word translated "see" means "to look, to consider, to take heed." It was as if Paul was waving a s... Read More
Zac Poonen

(Sex, Love & Marriage) 4. Love Is A Many-Splendoured Thing

Zac PoonenThe word "love" is perhaps the most beautiful word in the Bible. Yet because many have failed to understand its real meaning, they have never enjoyed its many-sided splendour. Being more influenced in their concept of love by the 20th century entertainment world and by romantic literature than by th... Read More
Zac Poonen

(The Supreme Priorities) 5. One Thing I Do

Zac Poonen"But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, and be found in him, not ... Read More
John Johnson

A Man After God's Own Heart

1 Samuel 16:1-7, 10-13, 32-36. We welcome you to the gospel. I trust that God will speak to us all. We all need the Saviour. There's nothing finer that we want to talk about than the Lord Jesus, as the means of meeting every situation that we find ourselves in. We're going to speak later on about so... Read More
Peter Hammond


Peter Hammond"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." Proverbs 1:7 In Psalms we find the Christian on his knees, in Proverbs we find the Christian on his feet. The Psalms are for daily devotions, the Proverbs are for daily work and walk. The Psalms are for o... Read More

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