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Andrew Bonar


Andrew BonarThe subject is the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the fiftieth day after the Passover. It might be interesting and profitable at another time to take up the question, 'In what did the work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament saints differ from His work in the hearts of New Tes... Read More
Andrew Bonar

The Holy Spirit convincing.

Andrew Bonar'And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:' John 16:8 NOTES OF AN ADDRESS GIVEN AT THE PERTH CONVENTION, 1883. Shall we not honour and bless and adore the Holy Spirit? Surely it might well be expected that our love, our adoring and grateful love, s... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

Be Filled With The Spirit By W. C. Moore

“Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you” (Acts 1:8). This Holy Ghost power is for all believers (John 7:37-39; Acts 2:37-39; Acts 8:15; Acts 10:44,45). The Scriptural command to all believers is “Be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). Dr. C I. Scofield points out that the... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

Fresh and Up-to-date In Our Experience Of The Spirit’s Fulness By Roy Hession

Let us look at this great apostolic word, “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). Let us note the grammar involved in that word “be filled,” for it has helpful lessons to teach us. First it is in the imperative mood, that is, it is a command. It is... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

Is There Hope For Revival In Darkening Days? By W. C. Moore

The wreckage of civilization is around us! Disobedience in the homes, godlessness in the schools, crime on the streets, immorality in society, corruption in the government, even apathy and hypocrisy in the churches. The world is in crisis! What Are Born-again Christians To Do? “Because iniquity shal... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

Why Revival Tarries By Henry Blackaby

The following message was given at the Heart-Cry for Revival Conference, April 2004, at The Cove, Asheville, North Carolina U.S.A. There has been a deep burden created by God on my heart and mind for some time, as to God’s perspective about the day in which we live. What does He say? How does He loo... Read More
F.B. Meyer

Our Daily Homily - Psalms

F.B. Meyer…his leaf also shall not wither - Psalm 1:3 "If a man abide not in Me," said our Lord, "he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered." The same thought is here. Thrust down your rootlets to the oozy river bed, and there is no doubt about your continuing earnest, patient, God-filled. The sun of temp... Read More
F.B. Meyer


F.B. MeyerWe have followed Christ in His ascension, as entering the presence of His Father. He asked and received from God the Holy Spirit. We have also seen how Christ made Christians. "Christ" means "anointed "; " Christian" means "anointed one." The words "chrism " and "Christ" are identical in derivation.... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Abide (3306) (meno)

Abide (3306)(meno) in simple terms means to remain in the same place or position over a period of time. It means to reside, stay, live, lodge, tarry or dwell. Meno describes something that remains where it is, continues in a fixed state, or endures. Meno can mean "to take up permanent residence" or ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Bow (decline, lay) (2827) klino

Bow (2827)(klino) means literally to slant, slope, incline, bend. It was used figuratively of the day "declining" (Lk 9:12, 24:29). Klino is the root of ekklino (ek = out + klino = to lean) which literally means to lean out and thus to turn aside or deviate from the right (righteous) way (as in Ro 3... Read More

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