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T. Austin-Sparks

The Great Inheritance

T. Austin-Sparks“And now I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you the inheritance among all them that are sanctified” (Acts 20:32). “…to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive r... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

The Purpose of Companions

T. Austin-Sparks"Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling" (Hebrews 3:1). "For we are become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our confidence firm unto the end" (Hebrews 3:14). Our first thing to do is to consider briefly the one word which is going to stand over all our meditat... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

The Release of the Lord

T. Austin-SparksThat enlargement through straitening is an abiding law of the Kingdom of the Heavens in this age is a well-known truth. Its implications are various and its instances are numerous. One of its too oft-unrecognized implications is that efforts at enlargement in a really spiritual realm only result in ... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

The Servant's Hands

T. Austin-Sparks"Moses put of the blood... upon the thumb of their right hand" (Lev. 8:24). "If thy right hand causeth thee to stumble, cut it off" (Matt. 5:30). "Ye yourselves know that these hands ministered unto my necessities" (Acts 20:34). "We toil, working with our own hands" (1 Cor. 4:12). "Let him that stol... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

The Shepherd of Israel

T. Austin-SparksReading: John 10 The heart of this chapter is in verse eleven: "I am the good shepherd". Let us put alongside of that the following passages of Scripture: "Thou leddest thy people like a flock, by the hand of Moses and Aaron" (Psalm 77:20). "He led forth his own people like sheep, and guided them in... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

What is the Church, and what are the churches?

T. Austin-Sparks(NOTE: During the many years of this spoken and printed ministry, very much has been said regarding the Church. This has led to not a few enquiries for advice from many who are in difficulty over this matter. Many of the enquirers are in responsible positions in the Lord's work. It is a sign of the ... Read More
Thomas Brooks

The cowardice of the minister

Thomas Brooks"Therefore, I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God." Acts 20:26-27 The cowardice of the minister is cruelty; if he fears the faces of men, he is a murderer of the souls of men.... Read More
William MacDonald

Bible Paradoxes

William MacDonald“…as dying, and, behold, we live.” (2 Cor. 6:9) The Bible is full of paradoxes, that is, truths that seem contrary to what we would normally suppose or truths that seem to contradict one another. G. K. Chesterton maintained that paradox is truth standing on its head to attract attention. Here are a ... Read More
William MacDonald

FEBRUARY 28 - One Day at a Time

William MacDonald“He will destroy them…so that you may drive them out and destroy them.” (Deut. 9:3 NASB) In all of God’s dealings with mankind, there is a curious merging of the divine and the human. Take the Bible, for example. There is the divine Author, and there are human authors, who wrote as they were moved b... Read More
William MacDonald

Great Truths About the Church

William MacDonaldTHERE IS ONE BODY According to Ephesians 4:4 there is only one Church. In spite of all the circumstances that seem to deny it, the fact remains that as far as God is concerned, there is only one body of believers on the earth today. Although this Church is never visible to man in its entirety, yet i... Read More

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