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J.G. Bellet

The Moral Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ

Introduction. It is the Moral Glory, or, as we speak, the character of the Lord Jesus, on which I meditate in these pages. All went up to God as a sacrifice of sweet savour. Every expression of Himself in every measure, however small, and in whatever relationship it was rendered, was incense. In His... Read More
J. Vernon McGee

Gifts of the Spirit

J. Vernon McGeeHow wonderful it is to know that every believer has a gift from the Holy Spirit. I can't think of anything more thrilling than to know that God has given you and me a gift to function in this world, and that we are to be partners with Jesus Christ in the tremendous enterprise of making Him known! Bu... Read More
J.B. Phillips

New Testament Christianity: Chapter 8 - Peace

Despite the fire, energy, daring, hope, and faith that distinguished the Young Church, there is no trace of hysteria or morbid excitement in its re corded life. Some of us have seen people do all sorts of extraordinary things under the influence of religious excitement, and those of us who are pasto... Read More
J.B. Stoney

The Nature, Object, and Responsibility of the Church, The Body of Christ

I suppose there is hardly an exercised soul but would admit that we are in the difficult days, the perilous times; yet it is one thing to see the difficulty, and another to understand the remedy for the difficulty. Are you exercised as to the remedy for the difficulty? In 2 Timothy 3 we read of the ... Read More
John Brown

Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Part 2

I. INTRODUCTION A. In our last study, we made the statement that "baptism in the Holy Spirit" is subsequent to being born again. 1. Calvary believes that Scripture proves this to be so, and tonight I hope to give that Scriptural evidence 2. Since this is part 2 of "THE BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT", a... Read More
John Kershaw

Faithfulness and Longsuffering

PREACHED AT ZION CHAPEL, TROWBRIDGE OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER, 1834 "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (2 Peter 3. 9.) In the religious world there is a ... Read More
John MacArthur

Charismatic Chaos: Sermon 6 - "The Third Wave, with all of its excesses"

John MacArthurIt is a somewhat difficult task that falls to me this evening, to discuss with you, in the series on "Charismatic Chaos," some of the matters with regard to a movement known as the "The Third Wave." I cannot, by any means, consider all of the issues, nor can I speak of all those who represent that m... Read More
John Newton

Sermon 34: Opposition to Messiah in Vain

John NewtonPsalm 2:4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision. The extent and efficacy [effects] of the depravity of mankind cannot be fully estimated by the conduct of heathens destitute of divine revelation. We may say of the Gospel, in one sense, what the Apostle says... Read More
John MacArthur

The Surpassing Value of Knowing Christ

John MacArthurLet's open our Bibles to Philippians chapter 3. I call your attention to our text this morning which is in verses 8 through 11...Philippians chapter 3 verses 8 through 11. Here Paul writes: More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord ... Read More
Norman P. Grubb

The Law Of Faith: 11. Two Testimonies

Norman P. GrubbTWO quite recent and unsolicited testimonies have come our way which particularly illustrate the hunger in the hearts of many Christian people for a fuller life than they experience at conversion. They are worth quoting: one from a householder, wife, mother, and active Christian worker; the other fr... Read More

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