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J.C. Philpot

Meditations on First Peter Chapter One - Part 7

J.C. PhilpotMeditations on First Peter Chapter One by J. C. Philpot, 1869 Part VII. In our last paper we paused at the words, "Which things the angels desire to look into." As there is much in this expression that demands and will repay reverent and thoughtful meditation, we resume at this point our exposition ... Read More
John R. Rice

False Teaching About The Last Days

John R. RiceThousands of tracts, magazine articles, sermons and radio messages tell the people, "Jesus is coming soon!" "These last days of this dispensation" and similar phrases are very common in the Christian magazines. "Time is running out!" writes one Christian, who means that in a very short time Jesus is... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Revival Articles

Manifestations 2

New Wine Articles God's Manifest Presence II. Biblical Precedents for the Manifestations The Bible does not record all the possible legitimate supernatural experiences. Rather it records examples of legitimate supernatural experiences that fall into broader categories that are typical of how the Hol... Read More
Tom Macartney

God is greater

Tom MacartneyGod is greater than our enemies: the world, the flesh and the devil One of the most encouraging verses in the Bible is 1 John 4:4, “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world”. This is a verse we need today. It tells of God’s overwhelming superiority over all His foes and ours. John is ... Read More
Tom Macartney

Knowing and serving the Lord in a day of crisis

Tom MacartneyDaniel himself lived through such a time of crisis. At the time when he was deported to Babylon in 605 BC, Babylon had just conquered Assyria, defeated Egypt and become the dominant power in the Middle East. By the end of his long life, Babylon itself had been conquered by Persia. But more important... Read More
Tom Macartney

Stephen Your witness

Tom MacartneyAll that we know of Stephen is found in two chapters, and two more verses, in the book of the Acts, and yet he was among the most important of the Lord’s servants in the Bible. In many ways he is the Lord’s key witness in Acts, and the key to the book itself with its brief outline of the expansion o... Read More
Winkie Pratney

The King and His Kingdom

All studies of the Kingdom of Heaven must begin with the King Himself. No kingdom is greater than its king, nor more wise or powerful than the one who is best qualified to rule it. The Bible tells us about this King, the greatest Ruler of all, the King of all Kings. If we study it carefully what doe... Read More
Andrew Bonar

Development of Antichrist - Chapter 2. The Time of His Appearing

Andrew BonarReference has been made to the declaration in 2 Thessalonians 2 that the day of Christ should not come until "the apostasy" as well as "the man of sin" had been seen. Also to Matthew 24, where the great tribulation, "such as was not from the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be... Read More
Andrew Bonar

Development of Antichrist - Chapter 4. His Destruction and Its Consequences

Andrew BonarIn saying so much of Antichrist, it was impossible not to anticipate to a certain extent, what ought in proper order to have fallen under this division of the subject. It was necessary to allude to some of its circumstances in establishing his personality, the time of his appearing, and his duration... Read More

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