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Greek Word Studies

Create (2936) ktizo

Created (2936) (ktizo) means to bring something into existence or call it into being something that has not existed before. To make habitable, to people a place (as used in secular Greek). The meaning of ktizo in this context describes the founding of a place, a city or colony. In the NT ktizo is us... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Decree (1378) dogma

Ordinances (1378) (dogma from dokéo = to think) refers to a fixed and authoritative decision or requirement (see the "decree" [dogma] of the emperors in Lu 2:1, Acts 17:7). NIDNTT writes that in classic Greek dogma... stems from the verb dokeo (think, suppose, imagine, conclude), and means opinion, ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Enmity (2189) echthra

Hostile (2189) (echthra from echthros = speaks of an enemy in an active sense, of one who is hostile to another) means antagonistic, expressing enmity (this word suggests positive hatred which may be open or concealed, expressing deep-rooted hatred or irreconcilable hostility (this word suggests an ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Hostile (2189) echthra

Hostile (2189) (echthra from echthros = speaks of an enemy in an active sense, of one who is hostile to another) means antagonistic, expressing enmity (this word suggests positive hatred which may be open or concealed, expressing deep-rooted hatred or irreconcilable hostility (this word suggests an ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Marvelous (2298) thaumastos

Marvelous (2298) (thaumastos from thaumazo = to marvel, to wonder at) describes that which causes one to marvel. Synonyms include wonderful (that which excites the feeling of wonder), extraordinary (very unusual or remarkable, outside the normal course of events, going beyond what is usual, regular,... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Ordinance (1378) dogma

Ordinances (1378) (dogma from dokéo = to think) refers to a fixed and authoritative decision or requirement (see the "decree" [dogma] of the emperors in Lu 2:1, Acts 17:7). NIDNTT writes that in classic Greek dogma... stems from the verb dokeo (think, suppose, imagine, conclude), and means opinion, ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Perform, Practice (4160) (poieo)

Do, done, did, doing; Make, made, makes, making; Perform, Practice (4160) (poieo) occurs 568 times, primarily in the Gospels and in a wide variety of contexts, which makes it difficult to do a simple word study. BDAG says poieo is "a multivalent term (possessing many meanings), often without pointed... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Predestined (4309) proorizo

Predestined (4309) (proorizo from pró = before + horízo = to determine, as by a boundary or limit in turn from horos = boundary, limit <> Source of our English word "horizon" = God's boundary between heaven and earth) literally means to mark out beforehand or set the the limits or boundaries in adva... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Profit (verb) (5623) opheleo

Is of value (5623) (opheleo from ophéllo = heap up or from ophelos = increase, profit) means to provide assistance, with emphasis upon the resulting benefit. To help, to be of benefit, to be of use, to be an advantage, to be advantageous. Passive sense - to have benefit from, to profit. To be useful... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Reconcile (2644) katallasso

We were reconciled (2644) (katallasso from katá = an intensifier + allásso = change) means to exchange one thing for another and was used for example to describe the exchange of coins for others of equal value. This Its original meaning of to change, exchange, etc. transferred to mean to reconcile. ... Read More

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