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Greek Word Studies

Schemes (3180) methodeia

Schemes (3180) (methodeia from methodeuo = to work by method in turn from meta = with, after + hodos = a way) refers to an orderly, logical, effective arrangement, usually in steps followed to achieve an end. It describes deliberate planning or a systematic approach and can have a positive or negati... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Sorrow (grief) (3077) lupe

Sorrow (3077) (lupe; see verb form lupeo) means sadness, grief, pain, sorrow. Lupe is used in Septuagint of Ge 3:16 (twice) of literal pain in childbirth, but most NT uses are figurative of pain in one's heart ("heartache"). Lupe is a word that describes that which is grievous or produces an emotion... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Trembling (5156) tromos

Trembling (5156) (trómos from trémo = tremble, gives us our English word "tremor") quaking with fear or quivering often with the implication of fear and/or consternation (Mk 16:8). Tremor in the present context expresses profound reverence and respect (1Co 2:3, 2Co 7:15). Paul's use of tromos in his... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Turn away (1294) diastrepho

Perverse (1294) (diastrepho from dia = separation, in two, throughout + strépho = turn, English = diastrophism = the process of deformation that produces in the earth’s crust its continents and ocean basins) is literally to twist throughout or to distort. To turn different ways. To twist about. Dias... Read More
Horatius Bonar

The Sin, the Sinner, and the Sentence.

Horatius BonarGenesis 3 The first two chapters gave us creation's perfection. Like a newly finished statue, there it stands. The chisel has given its last touch. The sculptor is satisfied; pronounces it very good, and rests. All is fair. Earth is like heaven. But now the descent begins. The steps are no longer up... Read More
Watchman Nee


Watchman NeeBefore we pass on to our last important subject we will review some of the ground we have covered and summarize the steps taken. We have sought to make things simple, and to explain clearly some of the experiences which Christians commonly pass through. But it is clear that the new discoveries that ... Read More
Watchman Nee


Watchman NeeWe now come to a matter on which there has been some confusion of thought among the Lord's children. It concerns what follows this knowledge. Note again first of all the wording of Romans 6. 6: ---Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him ". The tense of the verb is most precious for it ... Read More
Watchman Nee

The Powers of the Age to Come

Watchman NeeWhat does the writer to the Hebrews mean when he says of Christians that they have "tasted ... the powers of the age to come" (Heb. 6:5)? We would all readily agree that there is a splendid future age to which we look forward. In it the kingdom that is now "in the midst" of us in terms of the mighty... Read More
Watchman Nee


Watchman NeeThe Bible gives us much help with respect to the prayer that accuses Satan. Now we want to briefly consider a few passages in the Scriptures that show us the prayer that opposes Satan. We recall that in Genesis 3 the devil worked for the first time. Later, God judged him and cursed him. From this we... Read More
Watchman Nee


Watchman NeeII. THE TEMPTER AND THOSE WHO OVERCOME THE TEMPTER A. The Overcomers Other than our Lord Jesus Christ, no one is an overcomer. "The Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil" (1 John 3:8). "It [the seed of the woman] shall bruise thy [the serpent's, Satan's] head" (Gen.... Read More

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