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Greek Word Studies

Rest (2663) katapausis

Rest (2663) (katapausis from katá = intensifies or "down" conveying sense of permanency + paúo = make to cease) describes literally a ceasing from one's work or activity. Thayer cites a use in the active sense of a putting to rest as used in the sentence "a calming of the winds". Metaphorically as u... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Tortured (5178) tumpanizo

Tortured (5178) (tumpanizo is from the Greek word tumpanon = a tambourine or drum; English = tympanic membrane or eardrum) is a very picturesque verb which means to stretch on an instrument of torture resembling a drum and thus to beat to death. Vine comments that The verb tumpanizo signifies either... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Welcome (1209) dechomai

Accepted (1209) (dechomai = middle voice of a primary verb) means to to receive something offered or transmitted by another (Luke 2:28). To take something into one's hand and so to grasp (Luke 2:28, 22:17). To be receptive to someone (Mt 10:14, 40). To take a favorable attitude toward something (Mt ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Witness (noun) (3140) martus/martys

Witnesses (3144) (martus/martys) basically describes one who remembers something and testifies concerning what they remember. Notice that martus has a two fold meaning of (1) describing one who has seen and/or experienced something or someone and (2) one who testifies to what he or she saw. The test... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Witness (testify, gain approval) (3140) martureo

Gained approval (3140) (martureo from mártus = witness = one who has information or knowledge of something and can bring to light or confirm something. English = martyr) in its most basic sense refers to a legal witness. Thus the verb martureo means to be a witness, to testify, to give evidence, to ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Word (4487) rhema

Word (4487) (rhema from verb rheo = to speak - to say, speak or utter definite words) refers to the spoken word, especially a word as uttered by a living voice. Laleo is another word translated speak but it refers only to uttering a sound whereas rheo refers to uttering a definite intelligible word.... Read More
Leonard Ravenhill

Weeping between the porch and the altar Part 2

Leonard RavenhillIn the city of Leeds, where I lived in England, the revival came. It came because there was a little man there, he was unlettered, he had no degree, but boy, did he have a burning heart. And he labored, and he had three breakdowns, not mentally, but physically. You know why? Because he fasted so muc... Read More
Leonard Ravenhill

What do I Still Lack?

Leonard RavenhillWhat percentage of responsibility for my spiritual maturity is the Lord's, and how much of it is mine? To say that I alone am responsible for my soul's development is conceit. To say that all the responsibility is the Lord's is impudence. I find it humbling, inspiring, and challenging to recognize t... Read More
Leonard Ravenhill

What is your vision?

Leonard RavenhillFrom Leonard Ravenhill’s last meeting, a prayer meeting for ministers at Calvary Commission. Sept. 14, 1994. We are going to look at what Paul had to say about ministry, in 2 Corinthians 6:3-8 Giving no offense in anything, that the ministry may not be blamed. But in all things approving ourselves a... Read More
R.A. Torrey

Our Lord and the Samaritans John 4:31–42

R.A. TorreyDISCOVERY OF THE FACTS 1. “My Meat is to Do the Will of Him that Sent Me and to Finish His Work,” vv. 31–38 As soon as the woman of Samaria left Jesus, what did the disciples do? What word in verse 31 shows that Jesus was in very deep thought after the departure of the woman? What about? Did Jesus y... Read More

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