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Greek Word Studies

Put to open shame (3856) paradeigmatizo

Put to open shame (3856) (paradeigmatizo from pará = near, to those in view, visibly, openly, publicly + deigmatízo = exhibit, make a show, cause to suffer public disgrace or shame -- as the Romans did when they exposed their captives and the spoils of the conquered enemies to public view in their t... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Receive mercy (1653) eleeo

Receive mercy (1653) (eleeo from eleos [word study]) means “to feel sympathy with the misery of another, especially such sympathy which manifests itself in action, less frequently in word.” Describes the general sense of one who has compassion or person on someone in need. It indicates being moved t... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Robbery (725) harpagmos

Grasped (725) (harpagmos from harpazo = to seize upon with force) originally meant “a thing seized by robbery” and eventually came to mean anything snatched, clutched, embraced, or prized, thus is sometimes translated “grasped” or “held onto” as a treasure is clutched and retained. Given this defini... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Salvation (4991) soteria

Salvation (4991) (soteria from soter = Savior in turn from sozo = save, rescue, deliver) (Click here or here for in depth discussion of the related terms soter and sozo) describes the rescue or deliverance from danger, destruction and peril. Salvation is a broader term in Greek than we often think o... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Schemes (3180) methodeia

Schemes (3180) (methodeia from methodeuo = to work by method in turn from meta = with, after + hodos = a way) refers to an orderly, logical, effective arrangement, usually in steps followed to achieve an end. It describes deliberate planning or a systematic approach and can have a positive or negati... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Source (159) aitios

Source (159) (aitios from aitéo = ask) describes the relation existing between two or more objects or events, specifically referring to the cause or source, the point at which something begins its course or existence. Aitios means that in which the cause of anything resides. Note that because of thi... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Trustworthy (faithful) (4103) pistos

Faithful (4103) (pistos from peítho = to persuade - induce one by words to believe, have confidence) is something or someone who is worthy of faith or keeps promises and is applied to God, humans, His Word, etc Pistos is used 67 times in the NT - Pistos is translated believe(2), believer(4), believe... Read More
R.A. Torrey

Jesus, the Son of Man and Son of God John 5:19–47

R.A. TorreyDISCOVERY OF THE FACTS 1. The Son of God Despised and Rejected of Men, vv. 17, 18 What was our Lord’s answer to the charge of violating the law of the Sabbath? What fact lay at the foundation of the obligation and law to keep the seventh day as a day of rest? (Ex. 20:11.) From what work did God rest... Read More
R.A. Torrey

Our Lord and the Woman of Samaria John 4:1–30

R.A. TorreyDISCOVERY OF THE FACTS 1. Jesus, a Weary Pilgrim in a Hostile Land—“Despised and Rejected of Men,” vv. 1–6 Why did the report that reached the ears of the Pharisees that Jesus “was making and baptizing more disciples than John” make His departure into Galilee necessary? (c. 10:39; 11:47–54; Mark 3:6... Read More
R.A. Torrey

Our Lord Stilling the Tempest Mark 4:35–41

R.A. TorreyDISCOVERY OF THE FACTS 1. Ecce Homo! vv. 35–39 What sort of day in the life of our Lord had it been? What did He say to His disciples at its close? Why did He wish to go to the other side? (5:1–20.) Why did He not go before evening? When even came after so busy a day what would He have done if He ha... Read More

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