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D.S. Warner

(The Sanctuary) 2. The New Covenant Sanctuary

D.S. WarnerWere it not for the dark leaven of Adventism, a few plain scriptures were all that need be given to point out the sanctuary of the New Testament, for all spiritually minded readers are very naturally led to understand that God’s church is the sanctuary. But since those crafty “children of the bondwo... Read More
D.S. Warner


D.S. WarnerA covenant is an agreement of two parties in which both voluntarily bind themselves to fill certain conditions and receive certain benefits. God is the party of the first part of the contract and has bound himself. Heb. 8; Jer. 31. 1. "I will put my laws into their minds and write them in their hear... Read More
David Servant

Forever Rich

David ServantIntroduction You are going to love this story. Jesus told it using just one sentence, but with a little imagination, it can easily be expanded without doing any harm to the lesson. A man is walking across a neighbor's field early one morning when something poking through the soil—perhaps exposed fro... Read More
H.J. Vine

The Prophet Jeremiah

H.J. Vine“The Exaltation of the Lord” “Whatever things were written aforetime were written for our learning” (Rom. 15:4). The rich treasures of the Book of Jeremiah are just as much ours as are those of the other Scriptures of Truth. For our instruction God our Father has preserved this precious book of mora... Read More
Miles J. Stanford


Miles J. Stanford"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus" (Ephesians 2:10). The Holy Spirit creates within us a hatred for the old nature, and a hunger for the new nature. Without a rejection of the old, there cannot be a projection of the new. "I want a testimony that delivers me from the things I am o... Read More
Paul West

Quenching the Fiery Darts of Satan

Paul warned Timothy that everyone who endeavored to live a godly life would suffer persecution (II Timothy 3:12). Undoubtedly, the bulk of this persecution comes not only from physical entities, but from spiritual ones as well. That’s because we wrestle not against anti-Christian governmental author... Read More
Robert Wurtz II

The New Covenant Part II (The Conscience)

Robert Wurtz IIThis brings us to the New Covenant. Hebrews 8:10-13 (See also Jeremiah 31:33) For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me ... Read More
W.H. Griffith Thomas


W.H. Griffith ThomasThe first word of the Psalms, “Blessed,” is in some respects the keynote of the whole book. It occurs nearly thirty times. But the interesting point about the Beatitudes of the Psalter is that they are nearly all concerned with our relation to God, and scarcely ever do circumstances enter into this ... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Holy Sabbath: 9. Its Christianization Continued

A.W. PinkFrom Studies in the Scriptures Publication: September, 1939 In the first section of our remarks upon the Christianization of the Sabbath (in the August issue) we confined our attention mainly to two things. First, in pointing out that the many arguments advanced for the perpetuation of the Sabbath i... Read More
Isaac Penington

A Treatise Concerning God's Teaching, and Christ's Law

<230> The apostles likewise (who succeeded Christ in the same Spirit and power wherein he ministered) preached the same kingdom, declaring and describing what it was, and wherein it consisted; namely, not in word, but in power (even in the power which shakes all that is to be shaken, but cannot be s... Read More

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