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Greek Word Studies

Father (3962) pater

Father (3962) (pater) is the genitor (a begetter), by whom another is begotten. Stated more simply this is a man who has begotten a child. Father is the progenitor, the ancestor in the direct line (a forefather -- thus Adam was the "progenitor" of the Human Race). Thayer's full Greek Definition of p... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Full (abounding, covered, filled, mature)(4134)(pleres)

Full (abounding, covered, filled, mature)(4134)(pleres from pleos = full, pletho = to fill) means filled up as opposed to empty (as of a hollow vessel - Mt 14:20, 15:37, Mk 6:43). Of a surface, covering every part (leprosy in Lk 5:12). Figuratively, of one full of, filled with, abounding in, thoroug... Read More
Horatius Bonar

Rev. 1:17-18. Fear and Its Remedy

Horatius Bonar"And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. And He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last; I am He who lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen—and have the keys of hell and of death." —Revelation 1:17, 18. The spirit of this bo... Read More
R.A. Torrey

Are You Criticizing God?

R.A. TorreyTHESE WORDS ought to awaken anyone who is not utterly beyond hope. Notice the first two words and the last word. "0 man" and "God." "0 man, who art thou that repliest against God?" Here God and man are put in sharpest contrast, God in His infinite greatness and wisdom and man in his infinitesimal sm... Read More
R.A. Torrey

The Christian Conception of God

R.A. TorreyGod is light. 1 John 1:5 God is love. 1 John 4:8, 16 With God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26 His understanding has no limit. Psalm 147:5 We are to consider again today the Christian conception of God. We have seen that God is spirit, that God is a Person and that God has a personal interest ... Read More
R.A. Torrey

Thoughts for the Comfort of Jesus’ Disciples During the Absence of Their Lord John 14:1–15

R.A. TorreyDISCOVERY OF THE FACTS 1. Peace by Believing in Jesus, vv. 1–6 With what words does this chapter begin? With what words does it close? (v. 27.) What then, is the general purpose of the chapter? Why did Jesus say to His disciples, “Let not your heart be troubled”? Had they any seemingly good excuse f... Read More
Watchman Nee


Watchman NeeGod has made full provision for our redemption in the Cross of Christ, but He has not stopped there. In that Cross He has also made secure beyond possibility of failure that eternal plan which Paul speaks of as having been from all the ages " hid in God who created all things ". That plan He has now... Read More
Zac Poonen

What makes a man truly spiritual?

Zac PoonenWhat makes a man truly spiritual could be summed up in three statements: An upward look, an inward look and an outward look. A spiritual man looks in these three directions constantly: 1. Upward - in worship and devotion to God and Christ. 2. Inward - in acknowledging and repenting of his unChristli... Read More
Zac Poonen

(God-Centered Praying) 2. God Who is Our Father

Zac Poonen"Our Father Who art in heaven" Children usually pray to the Lord Jesus and there is nothing wrong with that. But it is good to remember that in the only prayer Jesus ever taught His disciples, He taught them to address their prayers to God the Father. We pray IN the Spirit THROUGH the Son TO the Fat... Read More
Zac Poonen

(Knowing God's Way) 5. Three Marks Of A Spiritual Man

Zac Poonen"I could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh" (1 Cor.3:1). We read in 1 Cor.1:5,7 that the Corinthian Christians excelled in three areas - knowledge of the Scriptures, preaching and the gifts of the Spirit. Yet in spite of having all these, they were not spiritual. It is rar... Read More

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