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Zac Poonen

Jesus - Tempted As We Are

Zac PoonenThe secret of a godly life lies in Jesus Who lived on earth as a Man, and Who was tempted in every way as we are, but never sinned even once in thought, word, deed, attitude or motive or in any other way (1 Tim. 3:16; Heb. 4:15). Since it is only those who have come to a godly life who can live toge... Read More
Aaron Hills

Finished Sin

"Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempteth no man: but each man is tempted, when he is drawn away by his own lusts, and enticed. Then the lust, when it hath conceived, beareth sin: and the sin [principle], when it is full gro... Read More
Denis Lyle

The helper who got greedy

2 Kings 5: 20-27 THE HELPER WHO GOT GREEDY There is a legend from India concerning a mouse, which was terrified of cats. A magician agreed to help him and transformed the mouse into a cat. That seemed to resolve his fears until he came face to face with a dog. He took his case to the magician who ch... Read More
God's Simple Plan of Salvation

El Plan De Dios Para La Salvación - Español - Spanish

Amigo mío: Te voy a hacer la pregunta más importante de tu vida. El gozo o la tristeza que experimentes en la eternidad dependen de tu respuesta. La pregunta es: ¿Estás salvado? La pregunta no es cuán bueno eres, o si perteneces a alguna iglesia, sino ¿estás salvado? ¿Estás seguro que irás al cielo ... Read More
God's Simple Plan of Salvation

Payak Na Paraan Ng Diyos Ukol Sa Kaligtasan - Tagalog

KAIBIGAN:Itinatanong ko sa iyo ang pinakamahalagang tanong ng buhay. Ang iyong katuwaan o ang iyong kalungkutan sa ngayon at sa walang hanggan ay nakasalalay dito. Ang tanong ay: Ikaw ba’yLIGTAS?Hindi ang kahulugan nito ay kung ikaw ay kaanib sa isang iglesiya, kundi lkaw ba’yLIGTAS?Hindi rin ito na... Read More
Jessie Penn Lewis

War On The Saints - Part 10

Jessie Penn LewisVictory in Conflict In a previous chapter we have seen the way of deliverance from possession by evil spirits. The great question here is, how to be victorious over the powers of darkness as a whole. How to have authority, and victory over the wicked spirits in place of their mastery over the believ... Read More
Martyn-Lloyd Jones

A Living Hope Of The Hereafter

Martyn-Lloyd JonesAT THE VERY beginning of his letter the apostle Peter bursts forth into this mighty and magnificent doxology. After a very brief salutation he suddenly breaks forth in these thrilling and powerful words. In so doing the apostle was not doing anything unique. He was doing what all the early Christian... Read More
Norman Grubb

The Sole Pupose of Creation

Norman GrubbThe basis of all I have written is the one and only foundation of all truth: that there is only one Person in the universe—God, “The All in all”—and that therefore the whole universe, things or people, is nothing but dependent, derivative forms of the “in all” of “God All in all.” When, therefore, w... Read More
Ronald Hanko

The Sovereignty of God

One truth distinguishes what is known as the Reformed faith, or Calvinism. That truth is the sovereignty of God. Many people suppose that the heart of Calvinism is its teaching of predestination. When they hear of Calvinism or that someone is a Calvinist, they immediately think of election and repro... Read More
Sermon Illustrations I


As Vice President, George Bush represented the U.S. at the funeral of former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev. Bush was deeply moved by a silent protest carried out by Brezhnev's widow. She stood motionless by the coffin until seconds before it was closed. Then, just as the soldiers touched the lid, Br... Read More

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