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Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

25 - Principle 21 Hungering After the True Holy Spirit Baptism

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversIt was asked of one brother that travels amongst the house Churches in the Chinese Church and speaks with the underground leaders, “How do the Chinese choose the leaders?” The answer was simple; the brother responded: “Whoever is the hungriest after God, they are the leaders.” Such a need is present... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

78 - Gospel Fellowships Hymnal

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversFor many believers there has been a lack of good resources to help them worship the Lord in private devotion or in public gatherings of the Lord’s people. Many hymns and choruses that could be sung by memory and without instruments have been laid aside for more contemporary songs that have much musi... Read More
Rev Manoj Mathews

The Liturgy of St James

The basis of liturgies used by all Malankara Syrian Christian Churches of Eastern origin is the Liturgy of St. James the Just. James was the Bishop of Jerusalem soon after the formation of the Church on the Pentecost. James was the brother of Jesus who was not a believer during Jesus’ lifetime and t... Read More
Revival Messages

Fresh and Up-to-date In Our Experience Of The Spirit’s Fulness

Fresh and Up-to-date in Our Experience of the Spirit’s Fulness By Roy Hession Let us look at this great apostolic word, “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). Let us note the grammar involved in that word “be filled,” for it has helpful lessons to... Read More
Revival Messages

Maintaining a Spiritual Glow

Maintaining A Spiritual Glow Wesleyan Missionary Keep a restful heart. Hurts, slights, frustrations, misunderstandings, differences of opinions, or unhappiness with God’s providences--may quickly ferment into resentments, critical feelings, and bitterness of spirit--which in turn bubble over in word... Read More
Tom Macartney

Keeping the faith of Jesus

Tom MacartneyThese must surely be among the most moving words ever penned, for they are the words of an innocent old man in a Roman dungeon awaiting his execution. They come in the last and very important letter written by Paul, written to his faithful friend and fellow-worker, Timothy.He writes of fighting the ... Read More
Winkie Pratney

The King and His Kingdom

All studies of the Kingdom of Heaven must begin with the King Himself. No kingdom is greater than its king, nor more wise or powerful than the one who is best qualified to rule it. The Bible tells us about this King, the greatest Ruler of all, the King of all Kings. If we study it carefully what doe... Read More
A.B. Simpson

(The Gospel of Healing) 5. SCRIPTURE TESTIMONIES

A.B. SimpsonThe value of testimonies upon this subject cannot be questioned. They are entirely Scriptural; and they often bring the Gospel down to the personal level and contact of the sufferer, as mere abstract teaching cannot do. But they should always be simple, modest, as impersonal as possible, and illustr... Read More
A.W. Tozer

Man - The Dwelling Place of God - Dwelling Place of God

A.W. TozerDEEP INSIDE EVERY MAN there is a private sanctum where dwells the mysterious essence of his being. This far-in reality is that in the man which is what it is of itself without reference to any other part of the man's complex nature. It is the man's "I Am," a gift from the I AM who created him. The I... Read More

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