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Basilea Schlink


Basilea SchlinkWe all know the power of lust, which is in our flesh. Eve lusted for the fruit. David lusted for the wife of Uriah. Is there anyone among us who does not know how lust can suddenly arise in our hearts? We think, for example, that we cannot live, if we cannot satisfy our desire for the other sex, for... Read More
Darryl Erkel

Hermeneutics - A Guide To Basic Bible Interpretation

I. Introduction 1. This study is a basic survey of Biblical interpretation and is not intended to be exhaustive. It has been designed for the average or beginning Bible student and, therefore, some matters of a more advanced nature have not been included. 2. As evangelicals, it is not enough to mere... Read More
Brownlow North

How the Rich Man Became Poor

Brownlow North"And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; and in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off . . . and he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me . . . for I am tormente... Read More
Thomas Watson

The Ten Commandments

Thomas WatsonThe Ten Commandments by Thomas Watson CHOICE EXCERPTS The afflictions of the godly How do the afflictions of the godly, differ from the afflictions of the wicked? (1) The afflictions of the godly are but corrections; but those on the wicked are punishments. The one come from a Father; the other from... Read More
J.C. Ryle

Profit and Loss

J.C. Ryle"What shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" Mark 8:36 It is a sad proof, beloved, of our evil and corrupt nature, that our Lord Jesus Christ should have thought it necessary to use such language and to ask such a question. He was preaching to His own people--to... Read More
John Gill

A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mr. Samuel Wilson, Baptist Minister

John GillPreached October 14, 1750. ACTS 20:38. Sorrowing most of all for the word which he spake, that they should see his face no more. BEING desired by you, the brethren and members of this church, to assist in your sorrow, on account of the death of your late dear pastor, in which I sincerely bear a part... Read More
John MacArthur

What Happens to Christians Who Die? - Sermon 1

John MacArthur"What happens to Christians who die?...what happens to Christians who die?" I'm often asked that even by Christians, in fact usually by Christians. Questions like...after we die, do we go directly to heaven? Or, what happens to our bodies? The details of those kinds of questions are very very import... Read More
Richard Baxter

The Special Duties of Parents For Their Children

Richard BaxterFrom: Baxter's Practical Works, Vol. 1, A Christian Directory, on Christian Economics, Chap. X., pp. 449-454 OF how great importance the wise and holy education of children is, to the saving of their souls, and the comfort of their parents, and the good of church and state, and the happiness of the ... Read More
Samuel Rutherford

The Trial & Triumph of Faith: Sermon 5

Samuel Rutherford"VEXED with a devil;" she is devilled, that is, fully possessed. The malice of the devil is a natural agent, and worketh as intently and bently as he can. As the fire putteth forth all its strength in burning; the sun heateth and enlighteneth as vehemently as it can; a millstone fallen from the sphe... Read More
Reuben Archer Torrey

How to Work for Christ: Book 1: Personal Work, Chapter 11

Reuben Archer TorreyHOW TO DEAL WITH PROFESSED SKEPTICS AND INFIDELS There are various classes of skeptics, and it is not wise to use the same methods in dealing with all. I. SKEPTICS WHO ARE MERE TRIFLERS. A very lange share of the skeptics of our day belong to this class. Their professed skepticism is only an excuse ... Read More

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