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T. Austin-Sparks

The Issues of Love

T. Austin-SparksIn our previous meditation, we arrived at the consummation in the book of the Revelation, and we were taking note of the wonderful truth that is in the first three chapters of the book of the Revelation, the whole question is the question of love, love relating to many things, but all a matter of lo... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

The Purpose of Companions

T. Austin-Sparks"Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling" (Hebrews 3:1). "For we are become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our confidence firm unto the end" (Hebrews 3:14). Our first thing to do is to consider briefly the one word which is going to stand over all our meditat... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

The Quality of Divine Life

T. Austin-SparksWe have pointed out that the Greek word for disciple means 'a learner', but I want to make a correction to that. The Gospels were not all written originally in Greek, but in Aramaic, and in Aramaic the word 'disciple' does not mean a student, but an apprentice. So we have to make an adjustment. Disc... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

The Relationship Between The Cup and The Fire

T. Austin-SparksReading: Mark 10:35-39; Matthew 26:27,28,39,42; Luke 22:20; John 18:11; 1 Corinthians 10:16; 11:26. I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished! (Luke 12:49,50; RSV; KJV). With t... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

The Return of Grace

T. Austin-SparksWe proceed to a further small fragment in this great matter which has been opened to us concerning the change from the old Israel to a new Israel, which was declared by the Lord Jesus Himself when He said to the leaders and representatives of the old Israel: "The kingdom of God shall be taken away f... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

The Servant's Continual Need of Grace

T. Austin-SparksReading: Luke 9:28-36; Matt. 17:1-9; Mark 14:66-72; 2 Pet. 1:18. One would not put these Scriptures together in this way - for it would seem rather unfair to Peter - but for the fact that this account given in "Mark" of Peter's denial was virtually Peter's own record of what took place. The great in... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

The Transition

T. Austin-SparksWe have already seen that Peter, as the first of the twelve Apostles, represents the link between the former Israel, which forfeited the Kingdom of God, and the new Israel, which inherits the Kingdom. The Lord Jesus said to the Israel of old, in the culmination of that dispensation: "The kingdom of ... Read More
Thomas Brooks

He drank it up—every drop!

Thomas Brooks"Who can comprehend the power of Your wrath?" Psalm 90:11 Jesus Christ comprehends it, for He underwent it! His whole life was made up of suffering. From His birth to His death, from His cradle to the cross, from the womb to the tomb, —He was a man of sorrows! Behold His bodily sufferings— the crown... Read More
Thomas Brooks

Mute Christian under the Smarting Rod -Part 3

Thomas Brooks"Mute Christian under the Smarting Rod" or, "The Silent Soul with Sovereign Antidotes" by Thomas Brooks, 1659, London. "I was silent; I would not open my mouth, for You are the one who has done this!" Psalm 39:9 I shall now address myself to answer those OBJECTIONS, and to remove those impediments w... Read More
William MacDonald

Coming to God

William MacDonaldTHE LORD’S SUPPER This solemn act of remembrance was instituted by the Lord Jesus on the night of His betrayal.’ Immediately after He had celebrated the last Passover with His disciples, He introduced what we know as the Lord’s supper. “He took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto the... Read More

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