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Greek Word Studies

Life (2222) zoe

Life (2222) (zoe) in Scripture is used (1) to refer to physical life (Ro 8:38-note, 1Co 3:22, Php 1:20-note, Jas 4:14, etc) but more often to (2) to supernatural life in contrast to a life subject to eternal death (Jn 3:36, see all 43 uses of "eternal life" below). This quality of life speaks of ful... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Longsuffering (3115) makrothumia

Patience (3115) (makrothumia from makros = long, distant, far off, large + thumos = temper, passion, emotion or thumoomai = to be furious or burn with intense anger) is literally long-temper (as opposed to "short tempered), a long holding out of the mind before it gives room to action or passion. It... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Lose Lost (622) apollumi

Perish (622) (apollumi from apo = away from or wholly + olethros = state of utter ruin <> ollumi = to destroy <> root of apollyon [Re 9:11] = destroyer) means to destroy utterly but not to caused to cease to exist. Apollumi as it relates to men, is not the loss of being per se, but is more the loss ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Majestic (3169) megaloprepes

Majestic (3169) (megaloprepes from megas = great + prépo = it is becoming) is literally that which is becoming to greatness. Megaloprepes means very wonderful, resplendent, impressive, sublime (tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality and implies an exaltation or elevation almost b... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Necessity (necessary, need) (318) anagke

Distress (318)(anagke {also transliterated as ananke} from ana = up, again, back, renewal, repetition, intensity, reversal + agkale = arm when bent) refers to any necessity or compulsion, outer or inner, brought on by a variety of circumstances. It can mean necessity imposed either by external condi... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Offense (4625) skandalon

Offense (4625) (skandalon from a root meaning jump up, snap shut) was originally the piece of wood that kept open a trap for animals. Outside the Bible it is not used metaphorically, though its derivative skandalethron (e.g. a trap set through questions) is so used. The English word scandal is deriv... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Patience (3115) makrothumia

Patience (3115) (makrothumia from makros = long, distant, far off, large + thumos = temper, passion, emotion or thumoomai = to be furious or burn with intense anger) is literally long-temper (as opposed to "short tempered), a long holding out of the mind before it gives room to action or passion. It... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Patient (be patient) (3114) makrothumeo

Is patient (3114) (makrothumeo from makros = long, distant, far off, large + thumos = temper, passion, emotion or thumoomai = to be furious or burn with intense anger) (See study of related word makrothumia) literally describes prolonged restraint of thumos, of emotion, anger or agitation. It means ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Perish (622) apollumi

Perish (622) (apollumi from apo = away from or wholly + olethros = state of utter ruin <> ollumi = to destroy <> root of apollyon [Re 9:11] = destroyer) means to destroy utterly but not to caused to cease to exist. Apollumi as it relates to men, is not the loss of being per se, but is more the loss ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Persuasive argument (4086) pithanologia

Persuasive (4086) (pithanologia from peitho = to convince by argument, true or false [the stem "peith-" or "pith-" has the basic meaning of trust] + logia = logic, related to the logos, the "word", which is not just the word but the "reason", the "intelligence") refers to enticing words and is pract... Read More

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