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Greek Word Studies

Soul (5590) psuche

Souls (5590) (psuche or psyche from psucho = to breathe, blow, English = psychology, "study of the soul") is the breath, then that which breathes, the individual, animated creature. However the discerning reader must understand that psuche is one of those Greek words that can have several meanings, ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Spiritual gift (5486) charisma

Special gift (5486) (charisma from charis = grace + the ending --ma which indicates the result of something, in this case the result of grace, "the subjective grace that works within and shows itself in its result" [Wuest]) is a Pauline word (with exception of 1Peter 4:10) which literally means a gi... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Treasure (2344) thesauros

Treasure (2344)(thesauros from títhemi = put, set) refers to the place where goods and precious things are stored for safekeeping (Think about the glorious Gospel you possess!) and thus a repository (place, room, or container where something is deposited or stored), a treasure chest, a storehouse, a... Read More
J.R. Miller

Counsel and Help

J.R. MillerCHOICE EXCERPTS A living, loving, personal Savior We are in the habit of saying that Christ saved us by dying for us on the Cross. In an important sense this is true. We never could have been saved, if He had not died for us. But we are actually saved by our relationship to a living, loving, persona... Read More
J.R. Miller

Miller's Year Book - JANUARY to JUNE

J.R. MillerMiller's Year Book—a Year's Daily Readings J. R. Miller, 1895 JANUARY to JUNE A verse of Scripture in the morning, may become a blessing for all the day. It may sing in the heart as a sweet song, from morning until evening. It may become a liturgy of prayer in which the soul shall voice its deepest ... Read More
J.R. Miller

The Best Things in Life - Part 1

J.R. MillerThe Best Things in Life J. R. Miller Chapter 1. For the Best Things We should seek only the best things in life. If everyone did, this would be an ideal world. The trouble is, however, that many knowing the good—yet choose the evil. What shall we call the drift in human nature, that causes it to gra... Read More
J.R. Miller

The Glory of the Commonplace

J.R. MillerParables and Illustrations from the Books of J.R. Miller, 1913 FOREWORD How was Dr. Miller able to write so as to reach the hearts of the hundreds of thousands who bought his books? The question has been asked many times by those who have noted the fact that the sales of these most helpful volumes h... Read More
John Wesley

John Wesley's Explanatory Notes - Matthew 23

John WesleyXXIII. 1. Then - Leaving all converse with his adversaries, whom he now left to the hardness of their hearts. Verse 2. The scribes sit in the chair of Moses - That is, read and expound the law of Moses, and are their appointed teachers. Verse 3. All things therefore - Which they read out of the law,... Read More
R.A. Torrey

Christ Again Foretelling His Death and Resurrection and Discoursing on Humility Matthew 17:22 to 18:14

R.A. Torrey(Compare Mark 9:30–35; Luke 9:43–50) DISCOVERY OF THE FACTS 1. The Shekel in the Fish’s Mouth, 17:22–27 What does our Lord now announce to His disciples (vv. 22, 23)? What was His purpose in telling them so often in these days of His coming death and resurrection? Did they comprehend what He was tal... Read More
R.A. Torrey

Christ Exposing the Scribes and Pharisees Matthew 23:1–36

R.A. TorreyDISCOVERY OF THE FACTS 1. Warning Against Seeking the Praise of Men, vv. 1–12 To whom were the words of the lesson spoken? Why not spoken to the Pharisees themselves? Why spoken to the multitudes? To His disciples? (1 Tim. 5:20.) Why was it necessary to warn even His disciples against Pharisaic sins... Read More

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