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Tom Macartney

I am the bright Morning Star

Tom MacartneyThis remarkable Title is the last in the Bible taken by the glorified Lord Jesus, and therefore must have some special significance. In thinking about it we shall concentrate on the central issue to be found in three verses and their contexts (Rev.22:1; 2:28; 2 Pet. 1:19). Here we shall find both en... Read More
Tom Macartney

Knowing and serving the Lord in a day of crisis

Tom MacartneyDaniel himself lived through such a time of crisis. At the time when he was deported to Babylon in 605 BC, Babylon had just conquered Assyria, defeated Egypt and become the dominant power in the Middle East. By the end of his long life, Babylon itself had been conquered by Persia. But more important... Read More
Winkie Pratney


What about those old "friends" who stay around to tempt you or drag you down? All friendships made for selfish reasons before your conversion must go on the altar of sacrifice with all other things that belonged to your past life. All future friendships as well as those you keep from the past must b... Read More
Andrew Bonar

Development of Antichrist - Chapter 2. The Time of His Appearing

Andrew BonarReference has been made to the declaration in 2 Thessalonians 2 that the day of Christ should not come until "the apostasy" as well as "the man of sin" had been seen. Also to Matthew 24, where the great tribulation, "such as was not from the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be... Read More
Andrew Bonar

Development of Antichrist - Chapter 4. His Destruction and Its Consequences

Andrew BonarIn saying so much of Antichrist, it was impossible not to anticipate to a certain extent, what ought in proper order to have fallen under this division of the subject. It was necessary to allude to some of its circumstances in establishing his personality, the time of his appearing, and his duration... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

"Be . . . Ready!" By W. C. Moore

Jesus says, "Be…ready." "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh" (Matthew 24:44). Am I ready? To be ready means to live continuously in readiness for the Lord’s coming. Some say, "I’m not ready, but I hope to get ready before it’s too late." Christian, ... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

"Even So, Come, Lord Jesus!" Arranged from Maranatha: The Lord Cometh by James H. Brookes

The careful student of the Scriptures cannot avoid the conviction that from the time our Lord was taken up from the midst of His friends, they waited and watched for His appearing again. When they went down into the grave, they left their believing and longing expectation as a precious legacy to tho... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

Christ Is Coming! by The Gospel Herald

"Christ is coming!" is the trumpet call that is sounding all over the world today. From some quarters we hear its blast and peals loud and clear. There are those who are thrilled with the very thought of His Coming. There are others who do not want to hear about it. Believers who today are truly loo... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

In Such An Hour As Ye Think Not The Son Of Man Cometh By W. C. Moore

"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed" (1 Corinthians 15:52). A man was addicted to drinking wine, and getting drunk. He was asked, "Do you have the victory?" He replied, "No, but ... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

Nothing But Leaves By W. C. Moore

"And on the morrow, when they were come to Bethany, He [Jesus] was hungry: and seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, He came, if haply He might find any thing thereon: and when He came to it, He found nothing but leaves…. And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter fo... Read More

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