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Zhiming Yuan

God And China

Zhiming YuanAs Christian faith has spread unprecedentedly far and wide in Mainland China and as millions of Chinese, including hundreds of thousands of intellectuals, became Christians, a significant issue emerged: Is there a relationship between the God we believe in and the historic fate of the Chinese people... Read More
John MacArthur

Praying Unceasingly

John MacArthurOur text this morning is one verse, chapter 5 and verse 17. First Thessalonians 5:17 says, "Pray without ceasing." The Apostle Paul in this simple and specific command calls on Christians to pray basically as a way of life. I used to say praying is like breathing, it's just normal, it's just natural... Read More
John MacArthur

Fundamental Christian Attitudes: Sermon 6 - Forgiveness

John MacArthurToday we have the great joy of coming to the Lord's table, sharing in the remembrance of the cross, His death for us. We also have emphasized the wonderful reality of prayer and our access to God. And I want us, this morning, as we come to the Word of God in preparation for coming to His table to co... Read More
St. Augustine

The Sermon on the Mount - Part 2

St. AugustineON THE LATTER PART OF OUR LORD'S SERMON ON THE MOUNT, CONTAINED IN THE SIXTH AND SEVENTH CHAPTERS OF MATTHEW. MATTHEW 6-7 Chapter 1 1. The subject of mercy, with the treatment of which the first book came to a close, is followed by that of the cleansing of the heart, with which the present one begin... Read More
William Gurnall

The Christian in Complete Armour - Part 16

DIRECTION XI.--SECOND GENERAL PART. [How to perform the duty commanded--a directory for prayer.] 'Praying always with all prayer and supplication,' &c. (Eph. 6:18). Having despatched the duty of prayer in general, we now come to give an account of the several branches in the exhortation; which toget... Read More
John MacArthur

Non-Negtotiables of the Church: Honoring God's Word

John MacArthurWe continue this morning to look at the anatomy of the church in a little series we began last Sunday by way of bringing everybody up to date on the character and nature and definition of the church. The church is unique in the world. The only organism, the only institution that our Lord is building... Read More
Samuel Davies

God The Sovereign Of All Kingdoms

Samuel DaviesGod the Sovereign of All Kingdoms by Samuel Davies, at Hanover, Virginia, on March 5, 1755, on a day of fasting and prayer "The Most High God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men—and gives them to anyone he wishes!" Daniel 4:25 That this world owes its existence to the creating power of God, and th... Read More
Richard Owen Roberts

Twelve Articles of Explicit Agreement

y the mercy of God I have been a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ since my early youth. Over the years of my earthly pilgrimage I have known what it is like to climb great spiritual mountains and how it feels to fall into chasms of blackness. I have had long seasons of great Christian joy and inten... Read More
Thomas Watson

The Duty of Self-Denial

Thomas WatsonTo the Reader Christian Reader, The weightiness of the argument here discoursed on justly merits a larger volume. But I have contracted it because it may possibly come into more hands. I must profess I do not know a more necessary point in divinity. Self denial is the first principle of Christianity... Read More
J.R. Miller

Worldliness And Trust

J.R. MillerWorldliness and Trust Matthew 6:19-34 J. R. Miller, 1909 The Christian life is very simple—if only we understand it. It has only one principle—single-hearted devotion to Christ. Paul stated this principle when he said, "To me to live is Christ" (Phil. 1:21) Jesus states it here also when He says, "S... Read More

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