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Greek Word Studies

Anxious (3309) (be anxious) merimnao

Be anxious (3309) (merimnao from merimna [word study] = anxious care from meris = part, in turn from [Sources: Vine's Expository Dictionary, Ralph Earle - Word Meanings in the NT] the verb merizo = to distract, to divide, to draw different directions - which is exactly what anxiety does to most of u... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Anxious longing (603) apokaradokia

Earnest expectation (603) (apokaradokia from apo = from + kara = the head + dokeo = look, watch) is only used twice in the NT but is a picturesque Greek word which literally means to watch with one's head erect or outstretched and so to direct attention, with intense expectation and earnest watching... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Apostle (652) apostolos; or here

Apostle (652) (apostolos [word study] from apostello = send in turn from apo = off from + stello = send) (Click for another discussion) which literally means "sent one". Apostolos was a technical word designating an individual sent from someone else with the sender's commission, the necessary creden... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Appearance (form, fashion) (4976) schema

Appearance (4976) (schema gives us English "scheme") refers purely outward and appeals to the senses. The contrast here is between what He was in Himself, God, and what He appeared in the eyes of man. "Likeness" states the fact of His real resemblance to men in mode of existence. (Derivative words o... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Child, children (see also "little children") (5043) teknon

Children (5043) (teknon from tikto = bring forth, bear children, be born) is strictly a child produced, male or female, son or daughter. Teknon is thus a child as viewed in relation to his or her parents or family. In the plural, teknon is used generically of descendants, posterity or children. Note... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Consider (count, regard) (2233) hegeomai

Considering (2233) (hegeomai from ago = to lead, carry, bring) has two basic meanings in the NT. One is to lead as one would do in a supervisory capacity as when describing men in any leading position - ruler, leader, governor (Ac 7:10) and stands opposite of a diakonos or servant in (Lk 22:26). In ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Count (3049) logizomai

Consider (3049) (logizomai from lógos = reason, word, account) means to reckon, compute, calculate, to take into account, to deliberate, and to weigh. Logizomai refers to a process of careful study or reasoning which results in the arriving at a conclusion. Logizomai conveys the idea of calculating ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Desire (Good pleasure, good will, kind intention, well pleasing) (2107) eudokía

Good pleasure (2107) (eudokía from eu = well, well off + dokeo = to seem, to think, to have an opinion) means good will or pleasure. Eudokia speak of that which pleases. Eudokia - 10 times in the NT (see below) - Mt. 11:26; Lk 2:14; 10:21; Ro 10:1-note; Eph 1:5-note (purpose = kind intention) Ep 1:9... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Destruction (waste) (684) apoleia

Destruction (684) (apoleia from apo = marker of separation, away from + olethros = ruin, death but not annihilation <> from ollumi = to destroy) means utter and hopeless loss of all that gives worth to existence. Note that contrary to popular opinion apoleia does not refer to extinction or annihilat... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Draw near (at hand, approach) (1448) eggizo

Draw near (1448) (eggizo) means to approach, draw closer to, draw near, be near, come near, all these uses referring to moving in space and drawing closer to some point. In short, to draw near in space. (Mt 21:1, Lk 7:12, 15:1, 25, 18:35. 19:29, 37, 41). Hiebert writes that in eggizo was used in the... Read More

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