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Greek Word Studies

Arrive (attain) (2658) katantao

Attain (2658) (katantao from katá intensifier + antáo = meet) means to come to or to arrive at and literally referred to finishing a journey or arrive at one's destination (Acts 13:51, 16:1, 18:19, 24, 21:7, 25:13, 27:12; 28:13). This means easily gives way to the figurative sense of reaching a goal... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Attain (arrive, come) (5348) phthano

We have attained (5348) (phthano) originally meant to precede someone, to come before or to anticipate (as used in 1Th 4:15-note). Over time phthano begin to lose the idea of priority and to mean simply to come to or to arrive at. The idea is to come to a particular state or to arrive at a goal and ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Believe (4100) pisteuo

Believe (4100) (pisteuo from pistis; pistos; related studies the faith, the obedience of faith) means to consider something to be true and therefore worthy of one’s trust. To accept as true, genuine, or real. To have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something or someone.... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Crucified with (4957) sustauroo

Crucified with (4957) (sustauroo from sun = together with, speaks of an intimate union + stauróo = to crucify from stauros = cross) means to crucify, affix or nail to a cross with another. Only the worst criminals suffered crucifixion in Paul’s day. This same verb was used of the 2 thieves who were ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Desire (Good pleasure, good will, kind intention, well pleasing) (2107) eudokía

Good pleasure (2107) (eudokía from eu = well, well off + dokeo = to seem, to think, to have an opinion) means good will or pleasure. Eudokia speak of that which pleases. Eudokia - 10 times in the NT (see below) - Mt. 11:26; Lk 2:14; 10:21; Ro 10:1-note; Eph 1:5-note (purpose = kind intention) Ep 1:9... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Dogs (2965) kuon

Dogs (2965) (kuon) (See dictionary articles) in the ancient word dogs here were mangy, flea-bitten, vicious, starved scavengers, that tended to run in packs, dig through garbage and occasionally even attack humans. The poet Homer uses it of men and women, implying recklessness in the former, and sha... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Easily entangles (besetting) (2139) euperistatos

Easily entangles (2139) (euperistatos from eú = easily, readily, deftly, cleverly + periistemi = to surround, to place itself around - peri = around + statos = standing) means literally that which is easily standing around (a competitor) thwarting (a racer) in every direction (figuratively here refe... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Entrust (4100) pisteuo

Believe (4100) (pisteuo from pistis; pistos; related studies the faith, the obedience of faith) means to consider something to be true and therefore worthy of one’s trust. To accept as true, genuine, or real. To have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something or someone.... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Fixing our eyes (see) (872) aphorao

Fixing our eyes (872) (aphorao from apo = away from something near + horao = look, see, behold) means to look away from other things and steadfastly or intently toward a distant object, at that which fills the heart. The idea is to direct one’s attention without distraction. The only other NT use is... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Loss (2209) zemia

Loss (2209)(zemia) describes the state of coming into a worsened situation from previous advantage. Thus zemia is translated as damage, disadvantage, loss, forfeit. In Herodotus zemia usually meant ‘punishment’ but in the NT it is only used of in reference to suffering the loss of something, with th... Read More

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