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Greek Word Studies

Understand (3539) noeo

Consider (3539) (noeo from nous = mind, the seat of moral reflection) has the basic meaning of direct one's mind to something and thus means more than just take a glance at. It means to perceive with the mind, to apprehend, to ponder (= weigh in one's mind, think especially quietly, soberly and deep... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Understand (4920) suniemi

Understand (4920) (suniemi from sun/syn = with + hiemi = send) (Click study of related noun sunesis) literally means to send together or bring together. The idea is to put together "pieces of the puzzle" (so to speak) and to exhibit quick comprehension. Suniemi is describes the ability to understand... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Understanding (1271) dianoia

Understanding (1271) (dianoia from dianoéomai = to agitate in mind in turn from dia = separation + noeo = to think over, nous = mind, intellect, thought, reason) means thinking through something, meditating, reflecting. It refers to the intellect, moral understanding or the way of thinking. It is th... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Ungodly (765) asebes

Ungodly (765) (asebes from a = w/o + sébomai = worship, venerate) means lack of interest in the things of God and a behavior and lifestyle consistent with such an irreverent attitude. See the depth study of the related word ungodliness (asebeia [word study]). It pertains to violating norms for a pro... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Welcome (1209) dechomai

Accepted (1209) (dechomai = middle voice of a primary verb) means to to receive something offered or transmitted by another (Luke 2:28). To take something into one's hand and so to grasp (Luke 2:28, 22:17). To be receptive to someone (Mt 10:14, 40). To take a favorable attitude toward something (Mt ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Wisdom (4678) sophia

Wisdom (4678) (sophia) is the ability to judge correctly and to follow the best course of action, based on knowledge and understanding. Sophia is used 6x in Colossians (clearly it is a key word) Sophia - 51x in 49v - Matt 11:19; 12:42; 13:54; Mark 6:2; Luke 2:40, 52; 7:35; 11:31, 49; 21:15; Acts 6:3... Read More
Horatius Bonar

The Book of Books.

Horatius Bonar"My son, listen to me and treasure my instructions. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight and understanding. Search for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge ... Read More
R.A. Torrey

Christ Exposing the Scribes and Pharisees Matthew 23:1–36

R.A. TorreyDISCOVERY OF THE FACTS 1. Warning Against Seeking the Praise of Men, vv. 1–12 To whom were the words of the lesson spoken? Why not spoken to the Pharisees themselves? Why spoken to the multitudes? To His disciples? (1 Tim. 5:20.) Why was it necessary to warn even His disciples against Pharisaic sins... Read More
Watchman Nee

Spirit and Soul

Watchman NeeIT IS IMPERATIVE that a believer know he has a spirit, since, as we shall soon learn, every communication of God with man occurs there. If the believer does not discern his own spirit he invariably is ignorant of how to commune with God in the spirit. He easily substitutes the thoughts or emotions o... Read More
Zac Poonen

(Finding God's Will) 4. Guidance through external means

Zac PoonenThe Holy Spirit speaks to our spirits through the following external means also, when we are seeking His guidance:- (i) The teaching of the Bible. (ii) The witness of circumstances. (iii) The advice of other believers. If we have ascertained the will of God accurately, the witness of the Holy Spirit... Read More

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