Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
R. Stanley

How much Time for the Bible?

To produce one tablespoon of honey, the little bee makes 4200 trips to flowers. It makes about 100 trips a day to the fields, each trip lasting 20 minutes average and 400 flowers! Wow! When my eyes hit this piece of astounding information in a book of illustrations, my mind instantly switched on to ... Read More
Thomas Watson

Reading the Scriptures with Profit

Thomas WatsonHow We May Read the Scriptures with Most Spiritual Profit by Thomas Watson "And it shall be with him (the King), and he shall read therein all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, to keep all the words of this Law and these statutes, to do them." Deuteronomy 17:19 This b... Read More
Thomas Watson

The Loveliness of Christ

Thomas WatsonThe Loveliness of Christ by Thomas Watson "Yes! He is altogether lovely! This is my Beloved, this my Friend!" Song of Solomon 5:16 In this book, which is a divine marriage song, are all the strains of holy love set forth in the purest allegories and metaphors, such as represent that dear affection a... Read More
Thomas Watson

The Worst Things

Thomas WatsonThe Worst Things An excerpt from Thomas Watson's "A Divine Cordial" 1663 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 We shall consider, first—WHAT things work for good to the godly; and here we shall sh... Read More
Victory Over Sin

Renewing the mind - wrong thinking.

The law of sowing and reaping: Gal. 6:7-8 "Do not be deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap. For he that sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap life everlasting." The mind is like a farmers f... Read More
W.H. Griffith Thomas


W.H. Griffith ThomasThe spiritual life which becomes ours, and is constantly realized by means of Justification, Sanctification and Consecration, must be maintained and sustained if it is to grow and increase in vigour, power, and blessing. Spiritual life in the true sense of the term is far more than spiritual existen... Read More
W.H. Griffith Thomas

More Than My Necessary Food

W.H. Griffith ThomasIn the course of a conversation during a Keswick Convention a friend said, “Now, suppose someone yields himself to God and receives a blessing at one of these meetings, how is it possible for him to avoid relapsing into his former spiritual condition? Will it not be necessary for him to be propped u... Read More
Charles Price

Living In The Will of God, Part 7: Reading Our Circumstances

Charles PriceActs 20:22-25; 21:7-15 Now if you have your Bible with you, I am going to read from Acts Chapter 20. (Please forgive the frog in my throat this morning - hopefully it will not jump out and I lose my voice altogether. I have to speak at a mini-mission fest in Hamilton tonight. So I value your prayers... Read More
Charles Price

Living in the Will of God, Part 9: Putting the Pieces in Place

Charles PriceIs.30: 19-21 Let me read to you from Isaiah Chapter 30. I am going to read just three verses, and I am going to come back to these verses later. But Isaiah Chapter 30 and Verse 19 where it says, "O people of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. How gracious he" (that's God) - "How gra... Read More
Charles Kingsley

Westminster Sermons, 7 - CONFUSION

Charles KingsleyPSALM CXIX. 31. I have stuck unto thy testimonies: O Lord, confound me not. What is the meaning of this text? What is this which the Psalmist and prophets call being confounded; being put to shame and confusion of face? What is it? It is something which they dread more than death; which they dread a... Read More

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