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Charles Spurgeon

Preface To Volume 4, Psalms 79-103

Charles SpurgeonPreface to Volume 4, Psalms 79-103 The work of compiling notes from this volume may be judged from the fact that I wrote a brilliant teacher for some assistance in my research on Psalm 103. I received the following note. "I have hunted through my books and was surprised to find that with the excepti... Read More
Charles Spurgeon

Treasury of David

Charles SpurgeonTreasury of David Charles Spurgeon PSALM 90 DIVISION. The sacred poet commences by affirming his belief in the faithfulness of the Lord to his covenant with the house of David, and makes his first pause at Ps 89:4. He then praises and magnifies the name of the Lord for his power, justice, and mercy,... Read More
Albert Barnes

Barnes, Albert "Life at Three-score and Ten"

Albert BarnesLife at Three-score and Ten Albert Barnes, 1868 [The substance of the following discourse was delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, December 6th, 1868, just two years before the time of the author's lamented decease, December 24th, 1870.] "The days of our years are threescore yea... Read More
Wilhelmus A'Brakel

The Fear of God

The Fear of God by Wilhelmus A'Brakel The Word Fear Defined Fear is either expressive of reverence or terror . Fear as terror is generally expressed by the Hebrew words magor, and pacadh, and by the Greek word phobos. Fear as being reverence is denominated in Hebrew as yirah, and in Greek as eulabei... Read More
William Bates


William BatesON HELL William Bates, 1691 " . . . be thrown into Hell, where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched." Mark 9:47-48 The punishment of unrepentant sinners shall be extreme and eternal. The torments in Hell exceed the heaviest judgments inflicted here on earth. The torments in Hell are... Read More
Thomas Manton

Depart From Me!

Thomas MantonDepart From Me! Thomas Manton, 1620-1677 "Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels!" Matthew 25:41 Now we come to the sentence itself. There we shall first take notice of the loss, Depart . The point is— DOCTRINE. This is the Hell of hells, that... Read More
John Dagg


John DaggHELL John Dagg, 1794-1884 DOCTRINE: The wicked will be cast into Hell, where they will suffer everlasting punishment for their sins. Natural religion teaches the doctrine of future retribution; and even the heathen had their notions of punishment to be endured in another world, for crimes committed ... Read More
Obadiah Sedgwick

Secret Sins!

Obadiah SedgwickSecret Sins! Obadiah Sedgwick, 1600-1658 "How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults!" Psalm 19:12 It is the desire of a holy person to be cleansed, not only from public sins, but also from private and secret sins. "O wretched man! Who shall deliver me?" (Ro... Read More
William Thoseby

Thoseby, William "Foot-prints on the Sands of Time"

Foot-prints on the Sands of Time; Or, Words of Hope and Comfort for Hours of Sorrow By William Thoseby, 1869 INTRODUCTION. Circumstances over which no one had any control suggested the plan of this little volume — and in submitting it to the Christian public the author makes no pretense to profound ... Read More

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