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Zac Poonen

(The Final Triumph) 3. Chapter 3

Zac PoonenThe Hypocritical Church Verses 1-6: And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: He who has the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars says this: 'I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, and you are dead. Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to d... Read More
David Guzik

Genesis 3

A. The temptation from the serpent. 1. (1) The serpent begins his temptation. Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?" a. The serpent: The text here does... Read More
Denis Lyle

The rise of Antichrist and Armageddon

Daniel 11:36-45 THE RISE OF ANTICHRIST AND ARMAGEDDON The following letter to the editor appeared in TIME magazine concerning a certain diplomatic figure of a few years ago. "A man who does not make value judgements could be dangerous. A man who does not ask who is right may operate with a blank and... Read More
Denny Kenaston

2. Bible Pictures of a Godly Home

The 2nd of 11 messages on The Godly Home We want to give a greeting to each one, in the name of the Lord Jesus tonight. It was a blessing to be in the worship service and sing and praise God together. I appreciated the words on vision. I plan to continue in that direction this evening. And I’ll give... Read More
G.H. Lang

Coming Events

G.H. LangAn outline of a vast theme must needs omit much detail and cannot admit much discussion. This tends to a definiteness which may seem dogmatic, but this is not intentional. Copious references to Scripture are given in proof, but these must be read, and read in the Revised Version. Though abundant in ... Read More
Harry Ironside

Not Wrath But Rapture

Harry IronsideWhat Is Meant by the Term "The Great Tribulation"? The careful student of the prophetic scriptures cannot fail to observe that in both the Old and New Testaments the Spirit of God speaks of a trial involving the pouring out of divine wrath on men. This is known as "the great tribulation," "the time ... Read More
Peter Hammond


Peter HammondAuthor John, the author of the fourth Gospel and the three Epistles, was the last surviving Apostle. While in exile on the small, barren island of Patmos, located in the Aegean Sea, John received a series of visions from our Lord Jesus Christ. Dating the Book of Revelation Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 als... Read More
Reggie Kelly

Daniel As A Type of Godly Remnant

What follows began as an email that turned into an essay, long to read but critical to know. My trip to the south was put on hold, but I will be going through Vermont, upstate NY and on up into Ontario for some stops. I would especially appreciate your prayer for those days that begin the 21st of th... Read More
Reggie Kelly

Preterism's Achille's Heel

The cornerstone of replacement theology is ‘Preterism,’ - “the belief that holds that the Tribulation prophecies occurred in the first century [A.D.], and thus are past” (Kenneth Gentry). The hallmark of Preterism is its denial of the futurity of ‘the great tribulation’ (specifically Mt 24:21). But ... Read More
Reggie Kelly

Prophetic Call to Practical Preparation

Open Letter Dear Brother, I am most grateful for the two emails, very sobering, yet edifying in the assurance that God will do nothing except He reveal His intention to His servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). I believe you are seeing something that significantly coincides with my own impressions conce... Read More

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