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Greek Word Studies

Depth (deep) (899) (bathos)

Depth (deep) (899) (bathos is the noun derived from adjective bathús = deep) literally describes a distance below a surface and to the depth or a deep place. Bathos is used literally for the depths of the earth (Mt 13:5), to the depths of the sea (Lk 5:4). Figuratively bathos describes a great or ex... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Examine (1381) dokimazo

Tested (1381) (dokimazo from dokimos = tested, proved or approved, tried as metals by fire and thus purified from dechomai = to accept, receive) means to assay, to test, to prove, to put to the test, to make a trial of, to verify, to discern to approve. Dokimazo involves not only testing but determi... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Fall (falls off or away, failed) (1601) ekpipto

Failed (1601) (ekpipto from ek = from + pípto = to fall) literally means to fall from or fall off or fall out, to drop off or away as would a withered, dying flower (reflecting the effect of scorching heat James 1:11, 1Pe 1:24) or as would a fetter or chain (Acts 12:7). Drop off or fall short. Ekpip... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Foreknowledge (4268) prognosis

Foreknowledge (4268) (prognosis from verb proginosko [word study] from pro = before + ginosko = to know) literally means to know in advance or beforehand. In the classic use foreknowledge (prognosis) simply indicated a previous knowledge of someone or some event, as in Acts 26:5 where Paul says "the... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Foreknown (4267) proginosko

Foreknown (4267) (proginosko from pró = before + ginosko = know; see more detail on foreknowledge in study of prognosis) literally means to know about something prior to some temporal reference point or to know about an event before it happens or prior to some temporal reference point. Related Resou... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Grace (favor) (5485) charis

Grace (5485) (charis from from chairo = to rejoice. English = charity. Beggars need "charity" even as sinners need grace, for we are all spiritual paupers outside of Christ, but "God gives where he finds empty hands"-Augustine [cp Mt 5:3-note]) is a word which defies a simple definition but at its c... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Holy (40) hagios

Saints (40) (hagios = set apart ones, separated ones, sanctified ones, holy ones) is literally a holy one and depending on the context refers to whoever or whatever is set apart (sanctified) for a special purpose. Saints have been supernaturally set apart (sanctified by the Holy Spirit, 1Pe 1:2-note... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Impartiality (678) aprosopoleptos

Impartially (678) (aprosopoleptos from a = not, without + prósopon = face + lambáno = receive) (this verse is only Scriptural occurrence) literally means "not receiving face" which then came to mean “without respect of persons”. Aprosopoleptos is derived from a Hebrew idiom "to receive the face" of ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Intercede (appeal, plead) (1793) entugchano

Intercedes (1793) (entugchano from en = in + tugcháno = to reach a mark, to get, to obtain) according to Vine means "primarily “to fall in with, meet with in order to converse”; then, “to make petition,” especially “to make intercession, plead with a person,” either for or against others". Entugchan... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Invisible (517) aoratos

Invisible (517) (aoratos from a = without + horáo = see) is that which cannot be seen with physical eyes. That which cannot be seen or is imperceptible by the sight. Hodge explains that... By the invisible things of God Theodoret says we are to understand creation, providence, and the divine judgmen... Read More

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