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William MacDonald

JUNE 5 - One Day at a Time

William MacDonald“God…knoweth all things.” (1 John 3:20) The omniscience of God means that He has perfect knowledge of everything. He has never learned and can never learn. One of the great passages on the subject is Psalm 139:1-6, where David wrote: “O Lord, thou has searched me and known me. Thou knowest my downsi... Read More
Alfred Edersheim

Sketches of Jewish Social Life - Part 4

Alfred EdersheimAccording to the present practice, the fingers of the two hands are so joined together and separated as to form five interstices; and a mystic meaning attaches to this. It was a later superstition to forbid looking at the priests' hands, as involving physical danger. But the Mishnah already directs ... Read More
Anton Bosch

God’s Purposes

Anton BoschWhat does the Bible reveal about God’s ultimate purpose in his dealings with mankind? What is the theme that runs from Genesis through Revelation and that transcends both testaments? Some may say it is Jesus Christ. That is true – the whole of Scripture reveals Him. He appears on every page and Jesu... Read More
Anton Bosch

National Repentance

Anton BoschIt has become customary to speak of prayers of “national repentance”. On May Day, this year - 2010, a large number of people met at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC to pray various prayers of repentance “on behalf of the American people”. I remember a number of times, when growing up in South A... Read More
Anton Bosch

Nationale Inkeer (dutch)

Anton BoschHet wordt een gewoonte om te spreken over gebeden voor “nationaal berouw”. Op de eerste mei van dit jaar (2010), kwam een grote groep mensen samen in het Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC om te bidden voor berouw “ten bate van het Amerikaanse volk”. Ik herinner me, opgroeiend in Z-Afrika, de vele ke... Read More
Anton Bosch

Spiritually Blind 2

Anton BoschMany people are spiritually blind because of pride or because they choose to see only what they want to see. But the scariest reason people cannot see is because they are under God’s judgment! That’s right – the reason they cannot see is a clear sign of the worst kind of judgment any person can fall... Read More
Anton Bosch

The Gospel of Self - 3

Anton BoschThus far we have spoken about how the gospel of self is a false gospel and some of the ways that it is manifest. Today I want to look at a few more things that are symptoms of this modern gospel. The word “sacrifice” has no place in the gospel of self. The sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross is b... Read More
Anton Bosch

The Kingdom Now

Anton BoschFood and material blessings are some of the felt needs, as I discussed last week, and political empowerment is another. The people living in Israel in Jesus’ time had two priorities. The first was for material provision and the second was for political reform and to be liberated from the Roman overl... Read More
Bible Names of God

The Deliverer

"And so all Israel shall be saved; as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob." Romans 11:26 Here we face a startling prophecy. The ancient people of God, scattered about in every land without a country of their own save as certain permis... Read More
Brent Barnett

How to Handle Biblical Paradoxes

There most certainly are things in Scripture which defy our comprehension such as eternity, the Trinity, the co-existence of free will and predestination, the omniscience and sovereignty of God, and others. Some of these types of things go over our heads, and it doesn’t bother us. In fact, like in t... Read More

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