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Ralph Sutera


Given in Crusade at Portland, Oregon, May, 1991 A new pastor at his first service had a pitcher of water & a glass at the pulpit, & as he preached he drank until all the water was gone. After the service one of the older women was asked, "How do you like the new pastor?" She said, "Fine. He's the fi... Read More
Robert Wurtz II


Robert Wurtz IITHE NARROW ROAD TO SALVATION (Revisiting the Book of Romans) Part 3 By Robert Wurtz II What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief ... Read More

Life after Death

Life after Death By CB This is the story of my journey from atheism, through agnosticism to becoming a Christian, someone with a personal trust in Jesus Christ. Now I face death with total confidence! Can you? I took this step in June 1987. Before then I thought the following: There is no God. Life ... Read More
Victory Over Sin

Do Dead People Sin?

When ever there is crime committed, no one ever thinks that a dead person committed the crime. The reason for this is obvious, dead people to not break the law. When you go past a cemetery all you see is grave stones. Not one single dead body can commit any crime against man or God. If you are a Chr... Read More
Francis Turretin

Forensic Justification

Francis TurretinIs the word Justification always used in a forensic sense in this argument, or also in a moral and physical? The former we affirm, the latter we deny, against the Romanists. I. As in the chain of salvation Justification follows Vocation, Rom. 8:30, and is everywhere set forth as the primary effect o... Read More
Charles Spurgeon

Sermon 2255 - God Justified, Though Man Believes Not

Charles SpurgeonA Sermon (No. 2255) Intended for Reading on Lord's-Day, May 8th, 1892, Delivered by C. H. SPURGEON, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington On Lord's-day Evening, August 31st, 1890. "For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let G... Read More
C.H. Mackintosh

Letters To An Evangelist

C.H. MackintoshLetter 1 Dearest A, I have been much interested and I trust profited, of late, by tracing through the Gospels and the Acts, the various notices of the work of evangelization; and it has occurred to me that it may not be amiss to present to you, as one much occupied in the blessed work, a few of the ... Read More
J.G. Bellet

Justification by Faith

In the dispensation of His grace, God provides the sinner with an answer to His own demands upon him. He gives him security in the day of the judgment of righteousness. For He judges sin. Surely He cannot pass it by. Righteousness calls for the judgment of it. But He, in grace, provides the sinner w... Read More
J.G. Bellet


We speak so much of "faith" in connection with Christian truth, that it is well to inquire a little carefully, what Scripture tells us of it, that we may be somewhat better acquainted with that about which we speak so often and so familiarly. The early part of the Epistle to the Romans is the leadin... Read More
J.G. Bellet


We may contrast the communion to which John in the first chapter of his first Epistle, introduces the soul, with that which Paul gives it at the close of Rom. 8, and also with that which the same Apostle gives it at the close of Rom. 11. In Romans 1 - 8, the Apostle is instructing us in the secret o... Read More

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