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Greek Word Studies

Access (4318) prosagoge

Introduction (4318) (prosagoge from pros = toward + ago = bring, lead) literally means a bringing near, a leading or bringing into the presence of. The act of bringing to, a moving to. It means providing admission or access (freedom, permission and/or the ability to enter) with the associated though... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Affliction (2347) thlipsis

Tribulation (2347) (thlipsis from thlibo = to crush, press together, squash, hem in, compress, squeeze in turn derived from thláo = to break) originally expressed sheer, physical pressure on a man. Thlipsis is a strong term which does not refer to minor inconveniences, but to real hardships. Medical... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Anger (outbursts of) (wrath, rage, indignation) (2372) thumos

Outbursts of anger (2372) (thumos from thúo = move impetuously, particularly as the air or wind, a violent motion or passion of the mind; move violently, rush along) describes passion (as if breathing hard) and so speaks of an agitated or "heated" anger that rushes along (impulse toward a thing). Th... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Anger (wrath) (3709) orge

Wrath (3709) (orge from orgaô = to teem, to swell) conveys the picture of a swelling which eventually bursts, and thus describes an anger that proceeds from one’s settled nature. Orge does not refer to uncontrollable anger to which men are so prone but to God's settled indignation and controlled pas... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Boast (exult, glory) (2744) kauchaomai

Boast (2744) (kauchaomai akin to aucheo = boast + euchomai = pray to God <> auchen = neck which vain persons are apt to carry in proud manner) means to boast over a privilege or possession. The idea is to take pride in something (in a bad sense - Ro 2:23-note, in a good or legitimate sense - Ro 5:2-... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Boast (glory, rejoice) (2745) kauchema

To glory (2745) (kauchema akin to aucheo = boast + euchomai = pray to God <> auchen = neck which vain persons are apt to carry in proud manner) strictly speaking describes either a boast (the act) or the ground or the matter of glorying or boasting (the object). The boast can be either proper or imp... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Bowels (476) splagchnon

Affection (4698) (splagchnon or splanchna) originally referred to the upper abdominal viscera especially the intestines, which the ancients regarded as the seat of affections and emotions, such as anger and love. This word is always in the plural in the NT. The phrase "I feel it in the pit of my sto... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Carnal (4561) sarx

Flesh (4561) (sarx) is used 147 times in the NT (in table below click book title for uses of sarx). A simple definition of sarx is difficult because sarx has many nuances (e.g., some Greek lexicons list up to 11 definitions for sarx!). The diligent disciple must carefully observe the context of each... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Cling (join) (2853) kollao

Cling (2853) (kollao from kolla = glue) means literally to glue, cement, join or fasten together and thus to unite (someone with or to someone or some thing). To fasten firmly together. Kollao is used to describe joining oneself to a harlot in a sexual union in (1Co 6:16). Kollao is used by John idi... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Come in (slip in) (3922) pareiserchomai

Came in (3922) (pareiserchomai from pará = alongside + eisérchomai = to enter) means to come in to beside and in some context means to slip in or to sneak in (see use in Gal 2:4 below). To come in with something so as to be present beside it. Thayer says the idea here in Romans is "to enter in addit... Read More

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