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A.W. Pink

Exposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 35 CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD

A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 35 CHRIST, THE GOOD SHEPHERD John 10:11-21 The following is submitted as an Analysis of the passage which is to be before us:— 1. The good Shepherd dies for His sheep: verse 11. 2. The character and conduct of hirelings: verses 12, 13. 3. The intimacy between... Read More
A.W. Pink

Exposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 63 CHRIST BEFORE PILATE

A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 63 CHRIST BEFORE PILATE John 18:28-40 The following is an Analysis of the closing section of John 18:— 1. Christ brought to Pilate’s court, verse 28. 2. Pilate demanding a formal charge, verses 29, 30. 3. Pilate seeking to shelve his responsibility, verses 31... Read More
A.W. Pink


A.W. PinkSTUDIES ON SAVING FAITH Part IV 11. INTRODUCTION By way of introduction and in order to acquaint the reader with the particular angle of viewpoint from which we now approach our present theme, let it be pointed out that changing conditions in Christendom call for an ever-varying emphasis on differen... Read More
A.W. Pink


A.W. PinkSTUDIES ON SAVING FAITH Part IV 14. ITS ATTAINMENT In writing to a company of the saints an apostle was inspired to declare, "Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform (or "finish") it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:6). That is what disting... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Doctrine of Election 9. Its Perception

A.W. PinkThe Doctrine of Election 9. Its Perception Thus far we have dwelt mainly upon the doctrinal side of election; now we turn more directly to its experimental and practical aspect. The entire doctrine of Scripture is a perfect and harmonious unit, yet for our clearer apprehension thereof it may be cons... Read More
A.W. Pink

THE HOLY SPIRIT Chapter 23 The Spirit Witnessing

A.W. PinkTHE HOLY SPIRIT Chapter 23 The Spirit Witnessing The Holy Spirit is first a witness for Christ, and then He is a witness to His people of Christ’s infinite love and the sufficiency of His finished work. "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of tr... Read More
Charles G. Finney

Heart Condemnation, A Proof that God Also Condemns

Charles G. Finney""For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things."--1 John 3:20 Our text suggests as our leading subject of investigation, the CONDITION OF OUR ACCEPTANCE WITH GOD. It implies that if our heart condemn us, God will much more condemn us, being greater than our hear... Read More
Charles G. Finney

Power From On High - Prevailing Prayer

Charles G. FinneyPrevailing prayer is that which secures an answer. Saying prayers is not offering prevailing prayer. The prevalence of prayer does not depend so much on quantity as on quality. I do not know how better to approach this subject than by relating a fact of my own experience before I was converted. I re... Read More
J.C. Ryle

Expository Thoughts On Luke - Luke 17:1-4

J.C. RyleSTUMBLING BLOCKS We are taught for one thing in these verses, the great sinfulness of putting stumbling-blocks in the way of other men's souls. The Lord Jesus says, "Woe unto him through whom offences come! It were better for him that a mill-stone were hung about his neck, and he cast into the sea, ... Read More
J.C. Ryle


J.C. Ryle“Without holiness no one will see the Lord.”--Hebrews 12:14 Our text for today opens up a subject of deep importance. That subject is practical holiness. It suggests a question that demands the attention of all professing Christians-Are we holy? Will we see the Lord? That question can never be out o... Read More

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