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A.W. Pink

Prayer - 1 Peter 1:3-5, Part 1

A.W. PinkCertain extremists among the Dispensationalists assert and insist that the last seven epistles of the New Testament (Hebrews through Jude) pertain not to all those who are members of the mystical body of Christ, but are entirely Jewish, penned by the apostles to the Circumcision and meant for them o... Read More
A.W. Pink

Prayer - 1 Peter 5:10, 11, Part 3

A.W. PinkHaving considered in the two previous chapters the supplicant, setting, Object, and plea of this prayer, let us now contemplate, fifthly, its petition: "the God of all grace… make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you." The proper force of the Greek grammar would make the petition read like ... Read More
A.W. Pink

Sufferings Compensated

A.W. Pink"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (ROMANS 8:18). Ah, says someone, that must have been written by a man who was a stranger to suffering, or by one acquainted with nothing more trying than the milder irri... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Parable of the Tares

A.W. PinkThe Prophetic Parables of Matthew 13 Chapter 2: THE PARABLE OF THE TARES. This parable forms the second of the series, and its substance corresponds with the meaning of this numeral. One is the number of unity, for it stands alone, excluding all difference. But with two there is a difference, anothe... Read More
Chuck Smith

The Gift of Discernment

Chuck SmithAs Paul is listing the various manifestations and gifts of the Spirit for us, in 1 Corinthians 12:10. He tells us, "To another discerning of spirits." There is a spirit world that is just as real as the material world in which we live. Scientists say that there is much more space in an atom than the... Read More
Erlo Stegen

The most excellent way

Erlo StegenMatt 1:18, "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit." Note that they did not come together before the wedding day. In the Greek it does not only imply that they did not have an... Read More
J.C. Ryle

Warnings To the Churches - Apostolic Fears

J.C. RyleI am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. The text which heads this page, contains one part of the experience of a very famous Christian. No servant of Christ perhaps has left such a mark fo... Read More
K.P. Yohannan

Divine Instrument

K.P. YohannanIt seems that with all our knowledge, information and experience, we should be on top of the mountain more of the time. I know this is how I often evaluate my life. I think that after all I’ve endured, I should now be able to face all kinds of problems without discouragement. But it doesn’t work lik... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

The Fellowship of His Sufferings

T. Austin-Sparks"The Sufferings Of Christ Abound Unto Us" 2 Cor. 1:5 Read: 2 Corinthians 1:3-5; 2 Corinthians 6:8-13; 2 Corinthians 2:4; 2 Corinthians 11:23-28; 1 Corinthians 4:9-13; 2 Corinthians 1:8-10 There is a very great deal summed up in the passages we have just read, but what I have on my heart to say will ... Read More
T. Austin-Sparks

The Full Stature Of Manhood

T. Austin-Sparks"I know a man in Christ..." (2 Corinthians 12:2) "...till we all attain unto... a full-grown man... the stature of... Christ" (Ephesians 4:13) "Not unto angels did He subject the world to come, whereof we speak. But one hath somewhere testified, saying, What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? or ... Read More

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