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A.W. Pink

Exposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 40 CHRIST FEARED BY THE SANHEDRIN

A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 40 CHRIST FEARED BY THE SANHEDRIN John 11:45-57 The following is submitted as an Analysis of the passage which is to be before us:— 1. The effects of Christ’s great miracle, verses 45, 46. 2. The Council and their predicament, verses 47, 48. 3. Caiaphas and h... Read More
A.W. Pink

Exposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 42 CHRIST’S ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM

A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 42 CHRIST’S ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM John 12:12-20 The following is an Analysis of the passage which is to be before us:— 1. The crowd going forth to meet Jesus, verse 12. 2. The joyous acclamations of the people, verse 13. 3. The Savior mounted on an ass, verse ... Read More
A.W. Pink

Exposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 58 CHRIST INTERCEDING (CONTINUED)

A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 58 CHRIST INTERCEDING (CONTINUED) John 17:6-12 The following is an Analysis of the second section of John 17: — 1. What Christ had done for God’s elect, verse 6. 2. The response of the elect, verses 6, 7. 3. The consequent assurance of the elect, verse 8. 4. ... Read More
A.W. Pink

Exposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 61 CHRIST IN THE GARDEN

A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 61 CHRIST IN THE GARDEN John 18:1-11 Below is an Analysis of the passage which is to be before us: — 1. Jesus and His disciples cross the Cedron, verse 1. 2. Judas’ knowledge of this place of retirement, verse 2. 3. Judas conducting the Lord’s enemies there, ... Read More
A.W. Pink

Exposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 63 CHRIST BEFORE PILATE

A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 63 CHRIST BEFORE PILATE John 18:28-40 The following is an Analysis of the closing section of John 18:— 1. Christ brought to Pilate’s court, verse 28. 2. Pilate demanding a formal charge, verses 29, 30. 3. Pilate seeking to shelve his responsibility, verses 31... Read More
A.W. Pink

Exposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 64 CHRIST BEFORE PILATE (CONCLUDED)

A.W. PinkExposition of the Gospel of John CHAPTER 64 CHRIST BEFORE PILATE (CONCLUDED) John 19:1-11 Below is an Analysis of the passage which is to be before us:— 1. Christ scourged and mocked, verses 1-3. 2. Pilate re-affirms His innocency, verse 4. 3. Pilate appeals to the Jews’ sympathies, verse 5. 4. The ... Read More
A.W. Pink

Prayer - 1 Peter 5:10, 11, Part 3

A.W. PinkHaving considered in the two previous chapters the supplicant, setting, Object, and plea of this prayer, let us now contemplate, fifthly, its petition: "the God of all grace… make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you." The proper force of the Greek grammar would make the petition read like ... Read More
A.W. Pink

Prayer - 2 Peter 1:2, 3

A.W. PinkNo thorough study of the prayers of the apostles, or of the prayers of the Bible as a whole, would be complete without an examination of the benedictions with which the apostles (James excepted), prefaced their Epistles. Those opening salutations were very different from a mere act of politeness, as... Read More
A.W. Pink

Prayer - Hebrews 13:20, 21, Part 2

A.W. Pink"Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant." We must now carefully consider the particular act of God toward our Savior that the Apostle Paul here uses as his plea for the petition that follo... Read More
A.W. Pink

The Antichrist Chapter 7 ANTICHRIST IN THE PSALMS.

A.W. PinkThe Antichrist Chapter 7 ANTICHRIST IN THE PSALMS. The references to the Man of Sin in the book of Psalms are, for the most part, more or less incidental ones. With rare exceptions he comes into view only as he is related to Israel, or as he affects their fortunes. One cannot appreciate the force of... Read More

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