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Historic Confessions

1644 London Confession

London Baptist Confession of 1644 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE. This confession was drawn up by the Particular Baptists to distinguish them from the, more numerous, General (Arminian) Baptists. There are two, or more, editions of this confessi... Read More
John Chrysostom

Colossians 1:15-18

John ChrysostomWho is the Image of the invisible God, the Firstborn of all creation: for in Him were all things created, in the heavens, and upon the earth, things visible and things invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers: all things have been created through Him, and unto Him; and He ... Read More
Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Tom Macartney

The finger of God

Tom MacartneyWe live in a lost world and a world that has lost its way as if the moral and spiritual signposts have been altered by someone and so point in the wrong directions. Universal confusion reigns as chaos takes over. It seems today that the deceiver of the whole world is taking over in a new way (Rev. 1... Read More
Winkie Pratney

The King and His Kingdom

All studies of the Kingdom of Heaven must begin with the King Himself. No kingdom is greater than its king, nor more wise or powerful than the one who is best qualified to rule it. The Bible tells us about this King, the greatest Ruler of all, the King of all Kings. If we study it carefully what doe... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Father (3962) pater

Father (3962) (pater) is the genitor (a begetter), by whom another is begotten. Stated more simply this is a man who has begotten a child. Father is the progenitor, the ancestor in the direct line (a forefather -- thus Adam was the "progenitor" of the Human Race). Thayer's full Greek Definition of p... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Wisdom (4678) sophia

Wisdom (4678) (sophia) is the ability to judge correctly and to follow the best course of action, based on knowledge and understanding. Sophia is used 6x in Colossians (clearly it is a key word) Sophia - 51x in 49v - Matt 11:19; 12:42; 13:54; Mark 6:2; Luke 2:40, 52; 7:35; 11:31, 49; 21:15; Acts 6:3... Read More
Denis Lyle

The Doom of the Scarlet Woman

Some years ago a Christian walking along a London street passed a Roman Catholic Chapel. Outside the Chapel was a billboard to which was pasted a poster intimating the title of a popular lecture to be given inside. The title took the form of a question and the question was this: "What is the Roman C... Read More
William Kelly

The Gentiles in relation to the Coming of the Lord.

Lecture 3 of 'The Second Coming and Kingdom of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This remarkable Scripture establishes a truth of the highest importance, often forgotten now, but continually assumed throughout the great mass of the prophecies of God. The people of Israel are the necessary centre in... Read More
D.S. Warner

(The Sanctuary) 1. The First Covenant Sanctuary

D.S. WarnerA sanctuary denotes a place set apart, or separated. In Scripture it signifies a sacred or holy house, separated and set apart for the dwelling place of God, and a place of service and sacrifice unto him. It was his original plan, before the foundation of the world, to have a pure and holy people to... Read More

Group of Brands