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Principles For The Gathering Of Believers

76 - Chronological Bible Reading of Scriptures

Principles For The Gathering Of BelieversThere is a great need in the body of Christ for consistent reading of the Holy Scriptures in their entirety, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. In this case we are encouraging a chronological reading of the Scriptures. Most of the confusion is created when certain teachers, groups, or... Read More
Classic Christian Writings

"Why Are You Sleeping? Get Up And Pray!" By Wesley L. Duewel

For three years Christ had taught and trained His disciples. For three years He had let them share His ministry, His miracle-working power, His comfort, His encouragement, and His blessing. Now He had come to the hour of His agony and travail, and He took His disciples with Him to Gethsemane, going ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Angry, be (be enraged) (3710) orgizo

Be angry (3710) (orgizo from orge [word study] = wrath) describes a brooding, simmering anger that is nurtured and not allowed to die. It is seen in the holding of a grudge, in the smoldering bitterness that refuses to forgive. It is the anger that cherishes resentment and does not want reconciliati... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Decay (destroy) (1311) diaphtheiro

Decaying (1311)(diaphtheiro from dia = intensifies meaning + phtheiro = to ruin, corrupt, spoil, shrivel, destroy, defile) (English = diphtheria) means to cause the complete destruction, to destroy, corrupt or decay utterly (through and through so to speak), to rot thoroughly, to ruin, to pervert ut... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Foolish (878) aphron

Foolish (878)(aphron from a = without + + phren = understanding, means originally meant diaphragm and was regarded as the seat of mental and spiritual activity, then mind or understanding -- see another study on aphron - click here) is literally a lack of sense, reflection, understanding or reason. ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Render (repay, pay/give back, reward, sold) (591) apodidomi

Will award (591) (apodidomi from apó = from + didomi = give and so to "give off” from one’s self) literally means to give back, then to put away by giving and then in a more figurative sense to pay back or recompense. Apodidomi can mean to give back or pay back (implying a debt and conveying the ide... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Workmanship (what has been made) (4161) poiema

What has been made (4161) (poiema from poieo = to do or make) means what is made and refers to the product or workmanship, a work, or a work piece, workmanship. Poiema is used figuratively in its only other use in Ephesians 2:10-note. It denotes the result of work, what is produced as contrasted to ... Read More
Zac Poonen

(New Wine In New Wineskins) 21. Breaking of bread - a covenant

Zac PoonenWhen Jesus instituted the 'breaking of bread', He used a word that He never used before - the word 'covenant'. A proper understanding of this word is essential if we are to partake in the Lord's table meaningfully. A Covenant Relationship with God The first mention of the word 'covenant' is found in... Read More
Zac Poonen

(Sex, Love & Marriage) 8.

Zac Poonen"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five.... Excitement mounts at the launching site as the countdown approaches zero. Another manned flight to the moon is about to begin. Months of intense preparation have preceded this day and many last-minute checks are even now being done. It would be fatal to go abo... Read More
Bible Verses On

Bible Verses On Bankruptcy

Deuteronomy 15:1-2 - At the end of [every] seven years thou shalt make a release. (Read More...) Exodus 22:25-27 - If thou lend money to [any of] my people [that is] poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury. (Read More...) Ezekiel 18:13 - Hath given ... Read More

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